Puppy Love

Bad Disguises

It's been exactly two days since Layla has seen Elvis and she was flipping out, like physco dog. I grabbed her leash and we walked over to Nick's house, well I was dragged to his house. Layla took off running, which she probably shouldn't be doing, but hey, she's a dog in love.

When we reached Nick's house I saw Nick and Elvis walking out of the front door, Elvis smelt Layla's scent and pretty much dragged Nick as well. I laughed as Nick just gave his dog the evil eye.

"Hey, some ones in a good mood today." I said as our arms bounce off each other as our dogs walked ahead of us.

Nick sighed. "This is becoming to much, Elvis doesn't know how to behave ever since he got Layla pregnant."

I laughed at what he just said. "Obedience class, with a side of training, so we can be good grandparents when the pups come." I joked as we turned the corner.

Nick's head turned to mine. "They have that?"

I pulled my eyebrows together. "I don't know, maybe. Why?"

"That sounds like a good idea, wanna try it?" Nick said as he pulled on Elvis's leash.

"Um, sure." I said, not sure on how to answer.

Nick didn't turn to the right like we should have to go to the park, instead he took a left.

"Nick, where are we going?" I asked as I followed behind them.

"To pets smart, duh." Nick said as he tapped my head making me smile.

"If your sure, what if some one recognizes you?" I asked, my voice quite as we passed some teenage girls.

"I'm Nick Jonas, I have aback up plan." Nick said before he pulled out a hat and sun glasses.

I looked and Nick. "People know that's you." I said as I stopped beside an oak tree.

"Really?" Nick asked.

I just nodded. "Yeah, sorry."

Nick sighed. "Oh well I'm still gonna try it."

I sighed and followed him as we walked up to the store. There were dogs every where, big dogs, small dogs, fat dogs, and skinny dogs. Nick was in front of me and getting ahead of me, so I picked up my pace and walked faster. Only to run into the back of him, my shoe catching the back of his. Nick stumbled a little then turned back to me, his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry." I mouthed as I followed him to the training area.

We reached the area and Nick's class was first, Elvis and Layla dogie kissed as Elvis was taken away from his love. I walked Layla over and signed her up for the puppy training, it would be starting after Nick's class. After we got all signed I was dragged over to the pin where Elvis was being trained, Layla and Elvis barking like crazy. I looked over at Nick and saw that Elvis was struggling to get away, and Layla practically climbing over to rail into the pin.

"Layla, no!" I yelled as she got her front half over the railing.

Nick was being dragged by Elvis, Nick's disguise was falling off. All the women in the story stopped and gasp at who he was. I loosened my grip on the leash and helped Layla over when I reached her. She ran over to Elvis who was still trying to get away from Nick, Nick was started loosing his grip as well, but not letting Elvis all the way off.

I walked over to Nick and whispered about his disguise. Nicks head wiped around the store, his eyes squinting as flashes began to go off and girls screaming. I took Elvis's leash and walked back to the man trying to teach, but got interrupted by the little show that just happened.

Nick was giving autographs from girls that were shoving paper in his face, I grew a little jealous, Nick was smiling and laughing. The way he looked at some of the girls made me wish that he would look at me that way. I could see what he thought about them in his eyes, beautiful. I sighed and tried to concentrate on teaching Elvis how to stay.

20 minutes later and all the girls were gone Nick joined the group again, but we still had puppy training to endear.

<<<Fast Forward>>>

We were in the middle of the puppy training and it was quite boring, and they were teaching us was the growth and development of the puppy... inside of the mother. Yeah Nick and I were both gaging at some of the pictures that they were showing, and laughing at others. To bad we were the only ones that found this funny.

I felt my phone vibrate and opened it.

From: Nick
Oh my gosh this is gross, I don't want to learn this!

I stifled a laugh and replied to him.

To: Nick
Haha, are you gonna tell your wife the same thing?

I waited and heard Nick's phone ring, everybody in the store did. Nick blushed and put it on vibrate before answering. One minute later I felt my phone vibrate.

Probably.... no. Your right, happy?

I smiled and poked his shoulder before answering.

Very*pokes again*

I closed my phone and saw the class was over, I smiled and sat up. Layla slowly got up and so did Elvis.

"Here, why don't you stay for dinner?" I heard Nick as we walked towards the exit.

"Me or Layla?" I asked, turning back to face him.

"Layla, no you." Nick said as he patted Layla's head.

"Sure." I said as we turned out the the building and started waking down the sidewalk.

I heard Layla and Elvis whine.

"And Layla?" Nick asked, catching on to their whines.

I looked down at Layla. "Sure, we'd love to."
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