Puppy Love

Goodbyes Are Always Tough

[Desiree's POV]

My family and I were going to Disney World for my brother’s birthday this weekend but my parents also decided that we would spend a week visiting family in Florida. The problem is that I couldn’t take Layla. I did the responsible and asked the baby’s daddy’s daddy if it was possible if Layla could stay with them. Of course they said sure, and they would keep us updated with Layla as her pregnancy dragged on.

I was at the Jonas house, getting ready to drop Layla off for a week. I felt like a mom dropping her kid of at school for the very first time; expect I wasn’t crying, I was just really nervous.

“It’ll be OK.” Nick said as he gently took Layla’s leash out of my hand.

I sighed. “Maybe, but I’m still gonna be gone for a week. What if something bad happens?” I asked.

Nick placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing my jaw line. “You worry too much, I
promise you nothing will happen!”

“Really?” I asked, my eyes gazing up at him.

Nick smiled. “She won’t be out of my site.” He breathed.

I stuck out my pinky. “You have to pinky swear!” I demanded.

Nick chuckled at wrapped his finger around mine. “OK, OK, I swear!”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist. Nick had become one of my closet friends, the whole ‘his dog raped my dog, and we are going to be in laws’ really makes people become friends.

We unwrapped our hold on each other when I heard my parents honking the horn from outside of the house, they couldn’t wait for me to say goodbye.

“It’ll be OK; I’ll text you every day. I’ll talk to you later, have fun.” Nick said as he walked me to the door.

His hand was on the small part of my back as he led me to my car, I was sort of uncomfortable with that, but I was already at the car.

“I’ll talk you to later, bye.” I said, giving him one more hug.

Nick opened the car door for me, and then shut it once I was in my seat. I smiled up at him, thanking him for everything. I felt the car started moving, then Nick and his house became smaller and smaller as the distance between us grew bigger.

[Nick’s POV]

I was walking back into my house when I heard Destiny call my name; she was running into my yard when I turned around.

“Hey baby.” She said all giggly.

I put on a fake smile. “Hi.” I opened the door, and closed it half way to see if she was going to come barging into my house.

I should have closed it all the way, so maybe then she would get the clue and ask. I really don’t like Destiny anymore; I’m actually planning to break up with her anyway.

She was too whiny, too giggly, to fake, to slut- not innocent, and most of all too rude to my family! She wasn’t like the kind of girls I like, she isn’t like Dess.

I’ve started having feelings for her lately. The way she treats me like a human being, and not Nick Jonas, America’s heartthrob. I don’t know, but I like that. She also treats my family with respect, and doesn’t boss them around like Miley Junior.

“Why were you hugging that bi-“

“Destiny, please do me a favor and shut up.” I said.

Destiny looked at me stunned, and shocked. “Why, what did I do?” She asked.

I laughed sourly. “What have you not done? You act like you’re the best thing in the world, you treat me like a pet, and make me spend my hard worked money on you, when truthfully I would rather give put in a create and ship it off into the Bermuda triangle, or have some guy steal it! You don’t treat my family with the respect they deserve, and you won’t let me talk to my dog’s baby’s mom owner!”

We both pulled out eyebrows together at the last thing I said. “Forget how dumb that sounded, thing is I don’t like you anymore. I think we should break up.” I said, a boulder was lifted from my chest.

“Oh you mean like take a break right?” She asked.

I let out a deep sigh. “No, I would rather us stay broken up.”

Destiny’s bottom lip began to quiver, her eyes becoming teary eyed. “Wa-wa-why?”

“I already told you, I don’t feel the same anymore.”

Her face changed instantly. “Fine, goodbye to you too, you-!”

I heard a bark, which caused me to turn around; I looked around and saw Elvis and Layla walking in the room together. I smiled at the site, they were so cute together.

“Well, goodbye Miley Junior.” I said as I help the door open for her.

She pocked her lower lip out, her arms crossed to her chest as she made her way to the door. “You’ll regret this Jonas; you’ll realize how much you’re love me.”

I closed my eyes. “I don’t think I’ll love you, I don’t even like you.”

I opened my eyes and saw that she was out of the house, and out of my life. Thank the lord!


How could Nick dump me like that? I was the best thing in his life, his one and only. And he dumps me?

I was walking down the street, and I felt like I was the girlfriend that got replaced on ‘parental control.

Unlike those girls I was planning revenge, and what sweet revenge it will be!
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments would be loved!!
