

“I still want to rule the world in a tyrannical, evil way and make my populace hate my guts…” - The Doctor

The cold and bleak December was fast drawing to an end according to the media. Christmas was over, after months of a huge build up, it was finished and now the countdown until next year began to repeat: the same redundant routine year in, year out. That wasn’t how some looked at it, though. In fact some might look at the conclusion of this month as a new beginning. This was how one certain girl viewed the world.

Her name was Jay and she sat atop a hill that overlooked the town she was raised in, the town everyone expected her to die in. Nuh-uh, not me, thought Jay, onto bigger and better things. And so she was.

Megalomania they called it. Jay laughed aloud to think of it. No. Megalomania implied irrationality. It implied delusions of grandeur. Not her. Not Jay. She really did rule the world. Or at least… she would. Jay pushed herself to her feet and started to pace. And when she would, the world would learn. Oh they’d hate her at first; hunt her and set the dogs on her. But Jay knew what she was doing.

Leaning forwards she stared hard down at the winding, twisting roads, admiring the icy glisten that the frost gave them. From way up here she could hardly see the people that went about their daily lives, so small and insignificant they were. Jay knew she was better than all of them, she could do things and reach heights that they could only dream of. She could rule their world, she knew she could. She could take anything she wanted from them, make them feel pain like they never knew. She could change the world. Their world. Someone’s world.

Power like she’d never felt before surged through Jay - she felt pumped, like she could burst. She laughed again, enjoying its cold sound as it merged with the wind. She liked to think that down in the town they could hear it, hear a whisper of it. But they couldn’t know of course. No one could know she was up here. Not unless they’d heard… her

Jay was adopted. No one knew where she came from or who her real parents were. This suited Jay fine. She was better than all of them. She came from somewhere none of the others knew about. That’s why she was special. That’s why she had this uncontrollable feeling of power. Jay thought she probably wasn’t even from their world. Megalomania. Ha. Everyone who was different or an idealist had to have some kind of “-mania” or “-pathy” or some such disease. It couldn’t simply be that she saw the world differently because she was from a different world.

Just then light, strange, alien, unnatural light, flooded Jay, encompassing her and her surroundings completely. The light shone through, ugly and unwanted illumination compared to the gentle glow of the moonlight.

Jay straightened and closed her eyes as the snow started to fall in earnest, flakes entangling themselves in her hair, where they glittered white for a moment before melting from the warmth of her body heat. At her feet lay the bodies of the couple she’d found picnicking when she reached the top of this hill. Their blood - sticky and congealing in the winter air - pooled around their heads.

Jay smiled at them. She’d changed their world, alright. People who didn’t believe she held the power to the world in her young hands were foolish. They couldn’t see beyond their own lives, beyond their own world. Not like she could.

Humming softly to herself now, Jay turned to see the stark, unforgiving lights of a police car. She’d known all along the woman had screamed too loud. Now she’d be trapped, stuck. But she’d chosen not to run. She wanted them to know it was her who had the power to rule worlds. Even if that meant confinement.

No matter, Jay thought calmly, I’ll be trapped for now, but it will be temporary. They’ll see anyway, when I rule the world. Their world.
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LOL at the song... sorry about that I thought I'd try out putting music to stories and went for a very obvious choice. Merry Christmas again!