Forbidden Temptation

Back to the Volturi

"I can not believe you're letting her do this!" Jacob shouted outraged as I finished up my breakfast in the same room I had slept in last night. The Cullen's.
There weren't many vampires around in the hotel or outside in the open. The sun made it difficult to play normal seeing as how they sparkled. But if you looked close enough you could see two gleaming red orbs escaping from the nearest brush of trees.
I began to talk; hoping I wouldn't choke on my sweet crepe, "Jacob, please. I have to do this. Think of Nessie, wouldn't you do anything to keep her safe?"
His eyes widen in shock, "That's like comparing apples to oranges! S'totally different! Nessie, for one, is my imprint—I have no choice."
"Hey!" Nessie said offended as she threw a seat cushion at his head.
"Nice dodge." I commented after he swiftly moved out of the way. Oh werewolves, the enemy to my enemy. Does that make us best friends?
"Thank you." He said with a dash of arrogance. "Still, it's different. I would at least choose a plan that would work!"
I rolled my eyes a couple times because once didn't feel like it got the message across. "How will it not work? It's the perfect plan. I go to the Volturi, apologize. Then score a deal that they can have me for whatev's while they leave Mindy and Shane alone. If they use me for bad crap then I'll just..." I didn't feel like finishing my sentence. Jacob was already outraged enough that I was putting my wellbeing at risk. For him to hear that I would actually... no. I'd save him the ranting.
"Ally, please. Seth loves you. Imagine was it would do to him." He pleaded. I had a feeling this was his last attempt and unfortunately, he made it good.
I sighed, "He'd be safe too..." I said barely above a whisper.
"Ally, you don't have to make him safe. That's his job."
Again, another eye roll. I stuck to one this time though. "You sound pretty eager to get him in trouble with a bunch of vampires. Do I sense other cynical motives?"
Nessie was at Jacob's side in a flash, "Whoa, settle down. Why don't you guys find a nice corner to sit in and chill?"
My stomach began to twist from the sudden irritation of immense happiness radiating from Nessie.
I narrowed my eyes, "Do you?"
"Why you would even make an accusation like that is really beyond me! All I'm trying to tell you is that I know what it's like to be in love with a girl who's in a lot of trouble. Just let him do what he needs to keep you safe. It's much easier."
I gnawed the inside of my cheek and exhaled a responds... that I knew I would regret, "Seth isn't my priority. I like him and I thank him but ultimately I have to make sure Mindy and Shane are safe. I could care less about what happens to me and if Seth loves me then he'll respect my wishes and hopefully take care of my siblings instead."
Jacob had something to say and I could almost see it forming on his tongue but Nessie placed a hand on his shoulder that sent the message of 'just let it go....'
I stuffed another piece of crepe in my mouth as Jacob and Nessie walked in the other room bickering.
"Are you sure you want to do this, we're friends of the Volturi we can talk to them." Alice worried voice sang.
I jumped and started coughing, seeing as how the crepe was not in my mouth anymore but somewhere in my trachea. Alice pushed a glass of orange juice towards me as she repeated her, I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY's!
Still wheezing I managed to squeak out, "Why-do-vamp-ires-always-DO THAT!"
"Do what?" She asked innocently. I, in return, gave her a death glare.
I cleared my throat again and tried to catch another breath before speaking, "I'll be fine. I'm a big girl and I can take on 3 old vicious vampires."
She bunched her lips to the side, "I can't see what's going to happen and that irritates me...,"
I sighed, "Well that's good—if I'm going to die I rather not know how."
"But couldn't you at least wait for Seth to come back, ya know? To make sure Mindy and Shane are safe?"
I contemplated that. I wanted to know that Mindy and Shane were safe, although I had a gut feeling they were. I wanted to see Seth too and sadly I think it was more then I should have wanted too... But I couldn't. If he came and I saw him I might not want to leave his side. From what Nessie has told me and observing Jacob, I don't think Seth would let me.
"I'll call La Push before I go."
Alice rolled her eyes, "Yes make it easier for the Volturi to find them."
"Firstly, I'm pretty sure they already know. I'll give them this—they aren't stupid, and secondly; I think people need to stop rolling their eyes."
Alice was about to move her eyes but she stopped herself before she'd completed the motion.
"I see something...," Alice whispered.
"Don't tell me how I'm going to die!" I joked. For some odd reason I wasn't taking my fate too seriously. I'd rather die laughing, fighting, or trying then die scared. Or maybe I was just crazy.
"No, no, no!" Alice cried. "Jasper!"
Before I could blink, her blonde husband was standing at her side sporting a very worried face.
"What's the matter Alice?" He asked hesitantly.
I began to feel abnormally calm. "Jasper is that you?"
He nodded slightly. His interest was with Alice.
"Impressive." I muttered.
I saw him smirk slightly.
"Alice, what do you see?" Jasper asked again softly but commanding.
Alice sucked in a massive breath of air and let her eyes bomb on me.
"What?" I asked a bit frightened now.
She bit her lip, "I think you'll be safer at the castle."
I gulped, if being in a castle full of vampires that wanted my death was safer then being with vegetarian vampires, I didn't want to know what was happening. Ignorance is bliss.
I rose from my chair, "Then I better get a move on."
Jasper looked at her questioningly but she just nodded and helped me gather my borrowed clothes.
"Please, please, please don't do this!" Jacob again pleaded as I headed for the door. "You're killing Seth even before he knows it. He's dead from the minute you walk out of our care. You know that, right? Are you prepared to torture him? Are you?" His deep brown eyes were glistening like melted chocolate.
"I'll see you sometime, Jacob. Nessie."
I heard him sigh and stomp back into the other room.
I bit my lip trying to fight back the tears threatening to spill over, "I'm just going to say goodbye to everyone else and thank them for everything."
Alice and Jasper agreed and let me walk across the hall by myself. How overprotective silly vampires could be....
Carlisle, Esme, Edward, Bella, Emmett and Rosalie said there goodbyes. Edward and Bella thought I was insane for going back and I think Edward said something about 'just like old times....'
"Seth won't be happy," Emmett teased.
"Shut it." I replied playfully although it hurt to think of Seth unhappy. He was doing so much for me and I didn't even know him and he didn't even know me.
"Let me call your cab before you head down." Esme said as she zipped to the phone.
"Oh, please Esme, I'll walk."
"Out of the question, far too danger—" Edward began.
"Hey, you're talking to a girl with a zillion powers here and the sun's out. No boogie man is going to attack me... yet."
"I swear all you women have some type of death sentence the moment you fall in love." Edward muttered.
My eyes grew wide, I couldn't be in love!
"Yes you are." Edward disagreed to my inner thoughts.
"Get out! Let me panic for a second." I snapped back.
How could I be in love? Love wasn't for me. Death, running from the enemy and infinite danger. That was the life meant for me not... love!
"You love him, Ally. He's your mate." Jasper said barely walking in with Alice, "And don't deny it. I can feel you."
"Okay, I'm leaving." I announced before I couldn't handle the bickering.
Hugs and handshakes were given all around me until Bella hogged me to herself in the middle of the Cullen's minus Nessie and Jacob.
"I wanted to leave you with a parting gift and protection of my own." She announced. I looked at her oddly, what did she mean? "Take my power. Now I know you said you have enough powers but this way that little brat, Jane and her brother Alec won't hurt you. You'll at least be safe in your own mind."
Bella's radiant smile couldn't be turned down and I also craved to be alone in my own head again without Aro or Edward.
"Okay." I said meekly.
"How do I do it?" She asked curiously.
"Just... say I can have them."
"Oh," She took a stable stance and announced, "I, Bella Marie Swan Cullen give you, Ally Willa Gates, my power to duplicated and use. How was that?"
"I little formal but oka-ah!"
I broke off midsentence. An extreme ache began to fill my gut and slowly burn it's way to my head. Imagine every memory and thought put in a blender, then the syrupy remains sealed in a Glad Tupperware.
"Are you okay?" Bella held my arms to keep me up.
"Yeah, peachy. Did it work?" I turned to Edward.
He nodded.
"Sweet, I'm ready."
Now, I really was prepared to face my mortal enemies. The ones who ruined my life and gave me another of a fighter and protector. I would fight and I would protect. I had no other choice. I only wish Seth and my siblings could some how be in the picture.
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Yay, I got my chapters back but unfortunately not all of them. i'll have rewrite some of them but i'll take what i can get.