Forbidden Temptation


"Little girl stop playing these games."
I stepped away from the column I was hiding behind, "Okay first, I am not a little girl!" He smiled a wide grin that sent my skin crawling. I couldn't help but stammer from the intimidation, "And, uh, and second, even if I was a little girl that is what little girls do. Play games."
"Such a girl of bravery to be able to stand up to a vampire."
"Yeah well unlike most girls I actually have the ability to kill you."
He smiled even wider then before. "Do you want to try?"
Now it was my turn to smile, "You have no idea."
"Marcus!" The vampire that had saved my life from this evil vampire, Marcus, came in once again to stop the battle between us.
"Aro, we were just playing a simple game. No need to chide us both."
"Well dear brother Marcus I think you've scared young Siren enough."
"It's Ally." I corrected Aro.
"Well it is late. I shall let you retire." Marcus said but not before he gave me an evil smile that would surely come up in my nightmares tonight. "Goodnight Siren."
"It's Ally." I muttered.
"Goodnight Alexandria." Aro said as he began his way back to wherever he came from. "Oh and dear, tomorrow you must be fitted for your gown."
I dropped my jaw. Gowns and me? We do not tango well together. "Why!"
He whipped around quickly. I was more frightened of his speed then by his anger. I couldn't compete well with speed. He was in front of me before I had a chance to blink twice, "This castle needs a welcoming party. It is mostly for the citizen's of Volterra to see that we mean well. You will be attending!"
I waited a second before I spoke, making sure I had my words chosen perfectly. "I shall attend this ball without complaint if you let me see my family."
"Of course, of course." He grabbed my hand and began to lead me up the castle winding stairs. His mood swings were crazy and unpredictable.
Fucking loose cannon, I thought.
"Your mind is so beautiful. So many things you've gone through."
I used his power. I saw him when he changed into the vampire he now was. I saw how he built up Volterra to fear the Volturi. I saw what he wanted of me.
"Young, young girl. So very talented."
I couldn't speak. I didn't want to. How could he even curse this sort of life on someone. Especially someone as young as me.
He walked me into a hallway guarded with two vampires who gladly stepped aside. "At the end of the hall you will find Mindy and Shane."
I looked at him-- trying to search for any sign of guilt for my soon to be death. This hallway was creepy. He reached out his hand and I touched. I searched his mind and saw my brother and sister being placed in the room at the end of this hallway.
"Thanks." I muttered.
"I really do want to please you as much as you have the ability to please me." He smiled sincerely and left me.
I looked to my sides and the guards (who were vampires) were still eyeing me. "Bite me." I spat and sprinted down the hall.
The room at the end of the hallway was unlocked. I walked in and there was Shane with a wooden leg from the coffee table that, from what I saw, was recently broken.
"Whoa buddy!" I exclaimed. "I come in peace brother."
"You really should knock. I could have taken your head off!" By the way he said it, he obviously believed he had the strength and reflexes to do anyone damage.
I smirked and closed the door behind me, "Where's Mindy?"
"Here!" A little girl's voice squealed behind me. Little claps followed afterwards.
"Were you hiding behind the door, monster?"
She nodded and raised her arms. I picked her up and placed her to my left side.
"How they been treatin' you?" Shane asked.
"How they been treatin' you?" I asked.
He shuffled his feet over to the bed (which was humongous), "Alright. Gave us a bunch of new clothes and games. I don't see why. They're gonna kill us anyways."
I held Mindy tighter in my arms. She was only one years old and getting a little too big to fit in my arms anymore. I placed my hand on her exposed ear, her other ear was on my shoulder, her face pressed against my neck. "Shane! You are not going to die. Mindy is not going to die-"
"But they'll sure as hell kill you!" He interjected.
I couldn't make him any promises that they wouldn't kill me or that I wouldn't die because the truth was that... the whole reason I was here was for them to kill me; for them to turn me into a vampire and be their greatest weapon. Also, there would be no limits I wouldn't cross to keep my brother and sister alive and I knew that it was either their lives or mine.
"Shane..." I walked over to the bedside where he sat crying. I placed my arm around his shoulder and brought him towards me. "You will live. You and Mindy. This will only be a nightmare one day."
He swallowed hard and tried to speak but sobs kept cutting his words short. "But, but, b-" sob. "You won't be-" sob. "There when I" sob. "Wake up."
Tears were now threatening to spill over but if I needed Shane to be strong in the future, I'd have to show him how. So I sucked it up. "Now listen to me Shane." My voice quivered but I cleared my throat and started again. "You have to protect Mindy, she's your sister—"
"So are you!" He interjected.
I sighed, "I know, and know that I try to be strong for you both but if that's not enough, you have to protect your other sister. She's just a baby Shane and you gotta be there. You can't give up, no matter what."
Shane cleared his throat and sat up. "Alright, I'll try but Ally?"
"Would ya try to stay alive for us? You can't give up either, okay?"
I tried to smile but I was only able to get half of my mouth turned up, "You know I will. Now let's go to sleep."
"You're staying in here with us?" He asked hopefully.
"I don't see anyone taking me away. I'll spend every moment I can with you." That seemed to please him. Although I didn't know how many moments I could spend with them, it was a promise I could keep. I didn't like to be alone in this cold castle.
I laid Mindy down and found my neck to be a little damp from tears she had shed. I wanted to scoop her back into my arms but I didn't want to wake her. So I fought temptation. I laid right smack dab in the middle of my younger siblings. Mindy on the left, Shane to my right. Both of their hands I grabbed and held onto tightly. Having them beside me while I tried to sleep felt like home and I knew I couldn't let them down. They had to be free even if I wasn't.
"Hey Shane?"
"What new clothes did you get?"
"Weird stuff, I think it's a tux." I rolled my eyes and went to sleep.
I woke up with a blinding sun beating down on my face. My hands were no longer intertwined with my siblings but held together by my own. I looked beside me and both of them were gone. I jumped up and raced to the door but noticed that I wasn't in the same room as I had been last night. I was in my room. I wouldn't have even noticed if it wasn't for the pink blanket that I brought from home. Each of the rooms were so much alike I couldn't ever find a difference between them unless people were living in them.
I opened my door and found a vampire sitting on the ground reading.
"Uh excuse me?"
The vampire looked up at me and then looked back down into his book. I rolled my eyes. How rude. "Um, I don't think you heard me so I'll make this simple for you. Move." He didn't budge. He just flipped the page of his book and went back to reading.
I woke up in a different room then where I had slept, I was being held prisoner and I was fairly pissed off as it was so this just sent me over the edge. I kicked the book out of his hands and started to work up my power.
"Oh I wouldn't do that." He got up quickly and placed his face very closely to mine. I didn't back away. I wasn't afraid. "You try it. Mindy and Shane go bye bye. Got it?"
"You. Will not touch them. Got that?" I said in the same monotone voice he gave me.
"Listen princess, vampires rule Volterra. So break our rules we'll have no problem with breaking your family."
My chest began to tighten. I knew any second tears would brim my eyes so I had to back him down and quickly. "Listen slave, vampires don't rule this town. Aro, Marcus and Caius do and it just so happens they are very big fans of me. So let's not pretend we don't know who's in charge here. I'm sure if you make me happy Aro will some how hear of what a great guard you are and how he should promote you. So one last time, move."
He backed away a couple steps and began to ponder, "Well Ms. Gates, you make a tempting offer but you're getting fitted for a gown this morning."
I was about to begin my manipulation skills again but he spoke.
"But... I'm sure if you some how got to walk around the castle afterwards that would be okay."
I smiled, "Brilliant, thank you creature." He snarled and I slammed the door close but was quick to open it again. "Is that my book?"
He picked it up and handed it to me, "Well, I'm a big fan of Romeo and Juliet."
"Ugh." I rolled my eyes and slammed the door again. Vampires should not be allowed to flirt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Ally.
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