Wild Flower

Seventeen Forever

You were young but so am I
And this is wrong but who am I to judge
I feel like heaven when we touch
I guess for me this is enough
.:Metro Station:.

I know I'm strange.But for some reason everyone feels the need to remind me!My mother for example has taken it upon herself to insult me every morning,in hopes that maybe her words will finally sink in and I'll become the daughter shes always wanted.Like that would ever happen.I liked my loud music,my tight jeans,and my leather bracelets.My mother and i were exact opposites,passersby could barely even tell that we were related.She had straight blond hair,I had curly brunette hair(think Taylor Swift).Her nails were manicured,mine were on their way to being non-existent.Her eyes were blue,mine were green.I think you can see where I'm going with this.

I put on my neon green skinnies,my white scoop-neck shirt,and my zebra patterned jacket and black converse.I applied shimmery gloss and mascara and i was ready for hell.Everyday was the same.I got dressed,picked up my best friend Eric,went to school,came home and did it all again.I grabbed my bag and headed for the door."Nirvana!"Just when i thought i was free."Yes mother?"I heard her heels clack against the tile.I didn't have to turn around to know that she was shaking her head in disappointment.I guess that's what i was to her a disappointment."Why can't you ever dress like a young lady,I'd feel much more comfortable with you walking out of this house if you looked remotely decent."I clenched and unclenched my hands as i turned around to face her."You won't be seventeen forever,you can't always dress like this."I giggled inwardly as my mother unknowingly phrased one of my favorite songs.'Look mother,I have to pick up Eric,I hate ending this riveting discussion but i really must go"I smiled and walked out the door.I got into my GT 1968 mustang and headed for Eric's place.

Eric my best friend for eight years,is the only one who understands me.He has a problem with his father the like me with my mother.He knows i don't blast my music so i can be annoying but so that i can block out the silence.As corny as this may sound he completes me.I've noticed that my feelings for him have gone beyond the friendship boundaries.I always find my eyes lingering for a couple seconds longer on his shirtless body when we go swimming.I find myself always getting lost in those bright blue eyes of his.And the way his jet black hair falls over his right eye is just..........amazing.

English,the only class i didn't have with Eric was slowly dragging on.I didn't even realize i had nodded off until I heard a loud thwack.I started awake,practically falling out of my desk.Apparently Mr.Lennox doesn't like people telling him to fuck off which is what i told him after he asked me the difference between a noun and an adjective.I don't see the point of teachers asking sleeping students questions,when they know that its not going to get answered.Aren't teachers supposed to be smart!?!Needless to say I got sent to the principals office.I plopped myself down in one of the chairs out in the waiting room;just when i was about to fall asleep again Eric sauntered in.Before i could even say 'hi hows it going' a string of cuss words poured out of his mouth.Ahhh theres my ray of sunshine!
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hey!i hope you liked it.i promise it'll get better!PLEASE leave a comment on feedback and suggestions!