Wild Flower

Big City Dreams

We've got it good
Whether you like this town or not
I know it's small but with a big head
it's bound to get hot
In the summer
But the summer is a bummer
If you can't leave
This pathetic excuse for a town

I laughed.Eric plopped down next to me and sighed."Why the hell are teachers so retarded,aren't they supposed to be smart or something?!?"His brows furrowed as he mulled over his own question.I giggled."What?"He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes."I just asked myself that same question.What'd you do this time?'I smiled Eric was always getting in trouble,he swears all the teachers are conspiring against him."Well love....."He began in a british accent,and i found myself once again lost in his eyes.


I plopped down on the couch and sighed.I only had twenty minutes to myself before the dragon lady comes back.What to do,what to do.I could start homework or go blast some music.I chose music,besides starting homework now would be out of character.I ran up to my room,plugged in my ipod and picked a song.I had danced through 'disco' by Metro Station,'I caught Myself' by Paramore,'Angie' by The Rolling Stones,and 'Whoever she is' by The Maine,when i heard my mom's car pull up.I turned off the music and started my homework.

She wants to touch me,whoah
She wants to love me,whoah
She'll never leave me,whoah whoah
Don't trust a ho
Never trust a ........

I picked up my phone and of course it was Eric(duh,who else).
me:Hey buddy,whats up?
eric:*sighs*nothing,my dad is being a bitch.........again.
me:that stinks my mom is downtstairs,minding her own business.
eric:lucky you,hey can i come over later?
me:yeah,you can i'll leave the balcony doors open 'kay?
eric:*squeals*yay,ta ta love!

If i didn't know better i would swear Eric is gay.
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This is just a filler and i know it's boring but i swear if you bear with me it will get soooooooo much better the story hasn't even really started yet soooooooo please keep reading!And i love comments! FEEDBACK!