Wild Flower

Around the Bend

"Give me that thing give in my friend give me good good times around the bend
I'll stay forever
Give me that thing give in my friend give me hot hot love around the bend
I'll stay forever with you"
.:The Asteroids Galaxy Tour:.

The truth was so fucked up.Apparently my uptight mother is an international spy,and Eric's dad is her partner in justice.Think Charlie's angels except a lot less sexy.Mr.Patroni also known as agent 56 had just finished telling us that out parents had just been bitch-napped
by some crazy dude that had just escaped prison.How original right?Eric and I's first reaction was to laugh,which we did.A lot.So much so we were in tears by the time we realized 56 was either really jazzed,or he was being serious.I couldn't believe that MY mother,the uptight bitch who only listened to Willie Nelson,and carried loads of baby wipes with her whenever she had to take public transportation.My mother is a spy,she kicks people's asses for a living.And she has the nerve to judge me!

"Your bags have already been packed,and a driver will pick you up at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.Everything will be explained at headquarters."I watched helplessly as he backed out of the driveway and headed away.I sucked in the cool air and let it out.Eric grabbed my hand and lead me into the house.I gasped when i saw the inside.The couch was on it's back,the lamp was broken and glass was everywhere.I layed my head on Eric's shoulder and finally let out the tears.The tears that had been pent up so long.The tears I've wanted to cry so long but have masked with a smile.Eric carried me to my room and laid me down on the bed.He sat down on the edge and gently stroked my hair.We sat in silence for awhile as I stared at my neon green walls I realized something.This is what I've wanted for so long......well not in so many words.But I wanted a change and that's what I got.Three whole weeks without my mom,what the hell was i crying for.I smiled absentmindedly to myself."Ah and the smile returns"Eric grinned.I had forgotten he was there,not something that happens often trust me.

An hour later ,after we had taken our showers Eric and I were playing guitar hero.When we got tired of playing we ate cold pizza and watched 'The Breakfast Club',I'm not gonna lie Bender is my favorite character he's such a bad ass.He reminded me of Eric.I looked up at him and smiled.When 12:45 rolled around I decide it was time to hit the sack.
I had the weirdest dream, I was in a dark room and all i could hear was Eric's voice calling to me and every time i took a step his voice would get further away.Then gun shots.I shot up in my bed with cold sweat."ERIC,ERIC!"I heard his feet pound against the stairs as he rushed to my side."Whats wrong,everything okay?"He looked worried."I just had a bad dream is all."He hopped on the bed next to me and pulled me in his lap."Aw love tell me all about it"
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hope you liked it!this was just a filler,the next chapter is when thing get interesting!