It Was You From the Start

Would You Talk

“Quil! Could you just chill? I’ll be out in a sec!”

“You said that five minutes ago!” I walked out of the bathroom.

“Well, now I really mean it.”

“Are you ready? We were supposed to be at the beach ten minutes ago. We still have to actually get there which will take another ten minutes. I didn’t think we’d be twenty minutes late.”

“You haven’t lived with me long at all. You don’t know me. If you had told me a time when you needed to be there, I assure you, I would have been ready.”

“Sorry Miss I Plan Everything.”

“Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead.” He didn’t reply. Since the meeting with Jake, I’ve tried to move the thought out of my mind that he was my nightmare last night. I haven’t told Quil I’ve met him yet. As far as I knew, Jake didn’t either; otherwise Quil probably would have mentioned it.”

“Rory, come on!”

“I’m coming! Chill out!” I heard the door slam downstairs. I walked down the stairs. Shoving my iPhone in my jeans pocket. Outside, I saw Quil leaning against his truck. He seemed impatient with his arms folded across his chest.

“Uh, are you sure I shouldn’t drive?”

“Are you scared? Do you think I drive THAT badly?”

“No, but…” I thought for a moment, “But…my car is cooler.” He looked at his rusty pick-up and sighed.

“I guess you’re right. But you have to listen to my directions exactly. First Beach is on the other side of town and it’s hard to get there.”

“Great.” We both walked over to my car and got in. I put the key in the car, started it, and quickly backed out of the driveway.

“Whoa! Slow down!” Quil shouted.

“What are YOU scared? Do I drive that badly?”

“Ha ha. Take a left at the end of the road.”

“Can I ask you a question?” he nodded. “What’s up with you and your friends? Why do you like doing extreme things?”

“Nothing else to do? Why? Are you scared of us or something? Is Rory worried about me? Someone she’s known for only a day, not even.”

“No. I’m not worried. I’m a little afraid.”

“Of what?”

“You remember when I told you I was have nightmare last night, right?” he nodded.

“Turn right.”

“Well, you were in it. And so was Jacob.”

“How do you know it was Jacob?”

“Didn’t I tell you I saw him this morning? At the store when I was getting my job.”

“He was at the store?” I looked at him. He looked surprised. “Are you sure it was Jacob Black?”

“Yeah, I’m absolutely one hundred percent positive. I talked to him for like an hour.”

“Long, dark hair?” I nodded. “Really tall?”

“Yeah. You sound surprised.”

“I am. We haven’t seen him around town lately. He’s wanted to be by himself.”


“Nothing really. It’s some girl. He loves her, but she got married a month and a half ago.”

“Oh…” I said. He’s in love with another girl. She’s probably prettier than me. Urgh. I have such bad luck.

“You seem disappointed” I looked at him. He was smiling.

“Shut up!”

“LEFT!” I quickly turned to the left.


“Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”

“No, you were to busy thinking about me liking Jacob which is a lie. I just met him.”

“If you have problems falling in love with someone you just met you have the wrong father.”

“What do you mean?”

“You never told me exactly what happened in your nightmare last night.”


“So, I’m not going to answer your question. Take a little left.”

“But I told you who was in it.” He was quiet. “You suck.”

“At least I don’t like Jacob.”

“I don’t like Jacob!”

“Take a right and park.”

“Not until…you promise…” I sighed. “Not to say anything about this to Jacob.”

“Ah ha.” I looked at him and then quickly behind us. No one was there, so I came to a complete stop quickly. That jerked him forward.


“Promise.” I looked at him seriously.

“Okay, I promise. Let’s go. We’re already late.”

“If your life depended on you telling my secret, would you tell it to anyone?”

“Rory, this is stupid.”

“WOULD YOU…talk?”

“I would die to keep your secret. This is my promise to you.”

“Thank you.” I slowly pressed down on the gas pedal.

“What is it that you like about him?”

“I don’t know. I mean when I looked at him, I SAW him. It was like I knew everything about him. As much as I tried to look away…” I pulled into a spot, and turned off the car. “…I couldn’t. It felt like, for the rest of my life, I wanted HIM and nothing else.” I looked at Quil. His eyes were wide. “What?”


“Jake said that before. What is it?”

“You’re going to want to talk to Sam about that one. I could tell you but it’s hard to explain and you probably wouldn’t believe me. Sam was the first one of us and knows everything so much better than any of us.”

“’One of us’? What do you mean by that?”

“I think you are, too.”

“Are what?”

“I believe you’re a—”
♠ ♠ ♠
okay there's more of jacob to come it's just getting there slowly...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!