It Was You From the Start

I Can't Be A...

“Quil!!!” somebody outside screamed.

“Oh my God!!!” I shouted. I looked over at the passenger side window. A boy was standing there, face pressed up against the window and hands on either side of his face.

“Embry!” Quil said.

“You know this freak?” I asked getting out of the car.

“Some people would consider that an insult.” Embry replied. Quil opened the door, hitting Embry with a thud as he did.

“Whoa! Watch the car guys!”

“Sorry.” Quil looked at the door. “There is not a scratch on it so calm down.”

“I have every right to not calm down right now.”

“Yo, Quil, who’s the girl?”

“This is Rory, my step-sister. She moved in last night.”

“Hi, I’m Embry Call.” I figured he was talking to me. He was skinny, but tall. His dark hair, parted at the middle, was down to his chin. He held out his hand to me. I shook it, and noticed, like Quil, his skin was unnaturally warm.

“Hi…” I realized I sounded a little unsure of myself.

“Do I scare you?” he pulled his hand back.

“No, but your hands are very warm.”

“Oh, uh…” he looked at Quil. Quil gave him one of those I’ll-talk-to-you-later looks. Quil looked towards me, but he wasn’t looking at me.

“Jacob!” he shouted. I turned around. True enough Jacob was standing behind me. He didn’t notice me at first, so when his eyes met mine, he smiled.

“Rory.” He said.

“Hey, Jacob.”

“Hey, are you okay? You seem kinda freaked.”

“I’m fine. Embry just scared the crap out of me.”

“Okay…” he sounded uncertain.

“Thank for worrying though.”

“Jacob, what’s up, dude? I haven’t see you in a while.” Embry asked.

“I’ve been around.”

“Not with us.”

“So, I wanted to be alone. Is there a problem with that?”

“No, sir, absolutely not.” Who does Jacob think he is? Some sort of higher power? I looked at him. He was looking at me strangely.

“What?” I asked.

“Did you say something?”


“Oh, sorry, then.” He looked back at the guys. “Why was I not told about the bonfire tonight?”

“How did you know? Who told you?” I never should have met Jacob. I should have just kept my mouth shut. I started all of this trouble. Jacob looked at me. He looked distressing. He turned back to the guys.

“Why are you going to shoot the messenger?” I gasped.

“No, we were just wondering.”

“Guilty.” I said, holding up my hand. “It slipped out. I didn’t mean to. I was distracted.”

“By what?” Jacob asked.


“Guys, let’s get down to the beach. Embry, are Sam and Emily here yet?” Quil interrupted me.

“They were down there when I was. They got here a long time ago. I think they made a day out of it.”

“You guys go ahead. Jake and I will catch up.”

“Whatever you say, Rory.” Quil said, grabbing Embry’s arm and pulling him onto the beach. Jacob laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I asked him.

“Nothing. Quil just…nothing. What’s up?”

“I thought you were going to go to Sam’s for lunch.”

“I was.”

“It didn’t sound like they saw you this afternoon.”

“I got distracted?”

“By what?”


“Was it the girl?”


“You know, the girl who got married.”

“How do you know…?” I looked at him with a please-like-you-don’t-know kind of look. “Quil.”

“Bingo. So, was it her?” he sighed.

“Yes, but it’s not what you think.” I looked at my feet. “I only went over there to talk to her. I needed to tell her I coul—”

“Jacob, I don’t care what you needed to talk to her. I’m not your girlfriend. It’s not like you have to tell me everything you do. It doesn’t matter.”

“It might not matter to you. You’re hurt and that’s because of me.” He put a finger on my chin and pulled my face up to look at him.

“It’s not like you blew me off. Jacob, we’re friends. You can do, with your time, whatever you please.” I pulled my face away.


“Jacob, just stop. I could care less if you were with…with…”

“Bella.” Darn! She has a pretty name, too. “What?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Yes, you did.”

“No, I didn’t. you were watching me the entire time. And I’m not a ventriloquist.”

“You said ‘Darn! She has a pretty name, too.’” My eyes widened. “Rory? Are you okay?” I shook my head. He looked alarmed. “What’s wrong?” he sounded alarmed, too.
“I didn’t say that. I thought it.”


“I thought what you said I said.”

“Have you talked to Sam?”

“No, I haven’t even met him yet. Why?”

“Rory, I think you’re a…werewolf.”


“I think you’re a werewolf?”

“There’s no such thing as werewolves!”

“Well, you’re looking at one.”

“I can’t be a…a…” And I fell. I could remember what happened after that. Everything was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
pretty soon it's going to seem like this is really confusing because there are lots of thoughts instead of actual speaking. i did my best trying to make this as easy as possible to read.

i think i'm going to make this into two different stroies because it's so long. but i'll still be updating it. it will be this story with these characters. like a sequel but not...