It Was You From the Start


I was leaving Quil's room, ready to just go to mine, change, and crash. But as I closed Quil's door, I saw my dad walking down the hallway. He saw me and stopped. He looked at me cautiously.

"Rory, I-"

"Don't even start, Dad."

"Honey, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? I would hope you were a little more than sorry."

"What do you want me to do?"

"For one, I would have wanted you to tell me what I'd be coming here to."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I didn't tell you I got married. I'm sor-"

"Married!? You and Karen are married!?"

"I didn't tell you?"

"No, Dad, you didn't. You didn't tell me Quil was her son either."

"What is it that you don't like aobut them? Rory, if there's something wrong with Quil-"

"No, Dad, there's nothing wrong with Quil. Nothing wrong with Karen. What's wrong is you! You didn't tell me anything! I knew absolutely nother! The most I knew about you was that you are my father! You may not have acted like it over the years, but, hey, I'm just your only daughter. Nothing special, right!?"

"Don't say that."

"Why not? Because it's true isn't it? To you I'm nothing but some girl who's mother just died, and has been dumped on your doorstep! You should have thought things through before you and Mom had a kid. Then maybe I'd never been born and you wouldn't have to deal with me now! You'd be happy about that, wouldn't you?"

"Lorelei Grace! Don't you dare say that I don't want you!"

"Dad, you haven't really said you do! You're being a father to Quil, that's all fine and dandy! But what about me!? I'm your daughter! Quil is your wife's son! Not yours! So why have you been more of a father to him than you were for me?"

"I'm sorry that I was never there for you! I'm sorry there was only an annual birthday call! I'm sorry I'm not the father you read about in your books! You need to get it in your head that those stories aren't life! That stuff doesn't happen! There is no such thing as a happy ending!" Tears welled up in my eyes. As I was trying to blink them away, one slid down my cheek. I was too heartbroken to move. I wasnted to scream at him, but I couldn't think of what to say. What he said hit me so hard, I couldn't breathe. I looked at him again. His face was full of rage and anger. I ran to my room not looking back.

"Rory." Dad called. "Lorelei!" I ran straight to my room and slammed the door. I went to the farthest corner of the roomm and slid down on the wall to sit on the floor. I hugged my knees to my chest and laid my head down against them. Outside someone knocked on my door.

"Lorelei, can I come in?"

"Go away, Dad!" my voice cracked.

"Rory, I'm sorry. Can I come in please?" he said gently.

"Insert previous statement here!" I listened while waiting to hear him say something else. A moment later I heard foosteps. I figured he was finally going to bed. I took a look at the clock sitting on my desk, next to my incredibly old computer. It was almost 12:30. I knew I should get to sleep, but nothing was pushing me to do so.
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yuppers....more to come...