Would You Believe Me If I Said I Didn't Need You?


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Cass is just a typical girl who doesn’t always get lucky and even thinks of her life as completely boring and pathetic. Nothing much goes on with her life except her controlling and apathetic boss who doesn’t see her talents.

One terrible and unlucky day, she bumps to her high school best friend, Andy Mrotek who was glad to see her once again. Coincidentally, Andy was in a famous band and he offered Cass a job which will have her to join them on tour. Cass accepts and her once boring life becomes more lively and fun.

There’s just one little thing, her emotions confuses her and she gets caught up between two guys. Did she make a mistake of coming along? Was it better for her to go back to her dull and dreary life instead of causing a chaos to lives of other people?