Kidnapped by my favorite band

Truth or Dare?

Out of the blue, Tom came out.

“What are you doing?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“Ugh. Tom. They’re poking me shitless!” I moaned.

Tom skidded to me making Gustav and Bill move away from me.

He suddenly snaked his arms around my waist and said in a very, very sexy voice.

“I saved you.”

I smiled at him and his cocky-ness.

“Wanna untie me now?” I asked in a sexy voice, same as his.

He nuzzled into my neck which was where most my hair was. Cause duh,

My hair was neck-slash-shoulder length.

“Hmmm.” He moaned in my ear.

“Is that a yes?” I asked, still weird ass sexy voice.

“How bout… No.” He was still using his sexy playboy voice.

I frowned.

Then I heard Bill and Gustav laugh.

“Do they always do that?” Bill asked suppressing laughter.

“Yeah. They do that most of the time. You should watch them be naughty.”

Gustav replied, stammering from laughter.

Tom sat on my lap.

“Damn it Tom! You ish heav-eh!” I told him.

“I thought it was heavy. And I do not weigh too much.” He replied, showing me his tongue.

Then, at last.

Georg arrived.

“JA!!! We’re all here!” Bill squealed.

I looked at him weirdly.

“What?” Me and Tom asked at the same time.

“Truth Or Dare!” Bill, Gustav and Georg screamed.


“Truth or Dare, Katie?” Bill asked.

“Uhm, truth.” I kinda asked-slash-said.

“Awww, you’re no fun.” Georg said.

“Scardycat.” Tom mocked.

I rolled my eyes.

“If you could be trapped inside a room with anyone here, who would it be?” Bill asked.

“Uhm, the answer would be you.” I told Bill.

And he blushed shyly. >/////<

“Cause I wanna getcha back for the poking.” I added, making fun of him.

But he was still blushing.

“Awwww, you didn’t choose me.” Tom said.

My gaze redirected to him.

“We could get freaky in the room.” Tom wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes.

“If I could only shove you.” I replied.

“Shhh, babe. I know you love me.” He covered my mouth with his hand.

And I did the most disgusting thing you could ever imagine.

Okay, maybe not.

I licked his hand.

“Gross.” He said jolting his hand back to his side.

I showed him my tongue which was well, yeah, pierced.

“Cool piercing.” Bill said.

I smiled and thanked him.

“Your turn, Kate.” Georg said.

“Truth or dare, Tom?” I asked, prying him to get off me.

“Hmmm.” He put his forefinger to his chin so that he would look like he was thinking.


“I dare you to untie me.” I said.

“You’re no fun.” He replied.

“Oh. But I’m not done yet.” I replied.
♠ ♠ ♠
Author's senseless blah:
That was short and senseless.
But, Tom is sexy!
But, Bill is the sexiest!!!!