I Won't Let You Get Lost


Cadence tapped her pen anxiously on the table top. She stared at the blank computer screen impatiently, waiting for her boss to answer her call. Her prayers were soon answered. A tall, blonde woman in her late thirties burst through the door, her hair in a chignon and her left arm filled with files and portfolios. This definitely wasn't what Cadence had expected. She stared at the phone on her desk. Now, she was dreading the entire thing, but she persisted.

"Lily, I want to get out of this office."

The woman stood there, unmoved by the demand. "Everyone wants to get out of their office, Cadence. But not many can survive out of them. They always come crawling back after a few days to the comfort and security of a cordoned off box with a door." Lily turned to leave, but just as her hand touched the cold steel of the doorknob, a loud bang erupted. Her head spun around and she eyed the girl's fist on the desk top.

Cadence's eyes burned with fury and desire. "Lily. I want to get out of this office. I need to get out of this office. I can't survive in this bloody building for much longer!"

The blonde huffed. "Well there are plenty of people that have survived in this 'bloody building', as you so kindly put it, for many years, so if you don't think you're cut out for it, maybe you should just quit," she quipped.

Cadence's face fell. Her head wandered towards her black pumps and a long, brown curl bobbed in front of her. Lily's disposition softened and she laid down the stack of articles and photos.

"You can't just work here for a year and expect to get a big break, Cadence. It doesn't work that way. This is a magazine you're working for here."

The brunette's face cringed. She didn't like it when people demeaned her because of where she stood in the company. She hated it when she was belittled because of her ripe young age and love for life. It just wasn't what you would expect from a young woman of 22.

"I want to make it in this business more than anything, but nobody seems to want to give me the chance!"

"Hundreds of young hopeful individuals want chances. That doesn't mean they get them. You earn chances in this industry. You don't just get what you demand. Stomping your foot doesn't get you attention."

"It gives me peace of mind."

"Well, it gives me a headache. This is ridiculous, Cadence." She picked up the stack of files and headed towards the door again. "Maybe you should just take the rest of the day off. A little fresh air might help you rekindle your common sense."

Cadence watched as her one shot at getting out of her stupid little rut vanished before her eyes. Tears welled up but she refused to let a single one fall. As far as she was concerned, it wasn't over yet.

Not by a long shot.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter of another new story.
This one's actually more for myself,
because I have this intense obsession with Robert Pattinson.
He's quite the gorgeous little bugger.
Comments & subscriptions are lovely.