I Won't Let You Get Lost


"Hello everyone. This is Katie Couric and I'm here with Robert Pattinson, the vampire heartthrob of the hour."

He chuckled and leaned in to shake her extended hand. "It's a pleasure, Katie."

"Nonsense, the pleasure's all mine."

Rob crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, awaiting the eager questions she'd most likely spent the entire night prior writing. His eyes scanned her hands, numerous pages filled with inquiries that could cause him to stumble on his own words.

"Might I call you Rob?"

He chuckled. "By all means, please do. Robert makes me feel so old."

"Impossible," she mused. "Your smile is far too dazzling." She crossed her ankles and perched an elbow on one of the chair's arm rests. "Now, Rob, you've been making movies for how many years now?"

As he responded, he found himself more at ease than usual. He used his hands to help illustrate his phrases, he caught himself smiling more than usual, and there was an incessant sparkle in his eyes that nearly blinded the cameramen. He spoke of the past, the present, and the future. He spoke of his family and his friends, where he grew up and his ambitions.

The moment Katie had passed all that, he knew what was next. He braced himself for the never-to-be-forgotten interview question.

"Two of your very own songs are being featured on the official 'Twilight' soundtrack, are they not?"

His brow rose and he chuckled, not expecting her to ask that. Perhaps she hadn't asked every possible question...

"Yes, as a matter of fact. One of them is still in question, though."

"That's a shame." She frowned. "Any reason why?"

He thought for a moment. "Well, Stephenie loves both of them, but she's just sitting on the second one for a little while longer."

"And how did this good fortune come to be?"

He stroked his clean shaven chin for a moment and let out a hearty laugh. "That's like asking why rain is wet. You just have no clue."

"Do you think that your song is worthy of being on the soundtrack?"

Robert was caught off guard by this question. He wanted to be honest, but there was a difference between being honest and being cocky.

"I... truthfully, it's not in my hands."

She smiled in bemusement. "Well, what exactly do you see in that particular song that could make it appealing to others?"

He huffed.

What did people find appealing about the prospect of his music? His career wasn't in music, it was in movies; he acted for a living. And yet, he knew exactly why someone would love his songs.

"It's a love song."

Katie smiled.

"It's a song about a guy who knows this girl, and he's madly in love with her. It's about a short love that prospers, and eventually, he becomes so enchanted by her, he realizes he's willing to do anything to be with her, including sign a deal with the devil."

"That's a beautiful sentiment. Of personal experience?"

"I've never signed a deal with the devil, Katie, but," he said gently, looking past the cameras and smiling sweetly, "I'm not convinced that I wouldn't."

"When did you write this song, Rob?"

"A week ago."

"And what was your initial inspiration?"

He grinned, his crooked smile stealing the breath of every woman who was watching. "The past two weeks of my life."

Katie let out a chuckle, the burgundy pen in her hand writing away. She was finding such happiness in his presence, a child-like naivety making the entire experience more... fun. He certainly brought something interesting to the table, and apparently, something equally interesting to his interviews. She caught a glimpse of a shadow in the background before wrapping up.

"How would you say your inspiration is depicted in the song?"

His hands on the arm rests, he tilted his head to the side and stared at Katie with the utmost seriousness. Her eyes strained as she met his gaze, awaiting his answer.


She outstretched her hand again as she stood for the first time in more than two hours. "Thank you so much, Rob. It has been a pleasure working with you."

"Gracious as always, Katie. I loved every moment."

The cameras stopped rolling and a paralyzing numbness attacked his legs as he stood up. "Bollocks." He tried shaking his legs as he walked but he didn't get more than a few feet when he was knocked back.

"Bloody hell!"

He toppled slightly but managed to stay standing. He looked down at his arms, the closeness of her body against his. He smiled and nestled his face into her neck.

"Two and a half hours of non-stop talking. I didn't think she was going to let you go!" she teased.

He kissed her cheek than set her down. "I missed you every second."

Cadence giggled. "I was sitting right behind the cameramen, you sod."

He pressed his forehead to hers and smiled. "That doesn't mean I can't miss you."

Her voice became lodged in her throat and she shook her head. "No. No, it doesn't."

"Exactly. Now come on!"

He took her hand and before she could say anything, they were out the door and in his gleaming convertible, racing across town.

As he hung another left at an intersection that Cadence never could've imagined to be busier than the last, Robert picked up his iPod and searched through the songs, looking for one in particular.

"Keep your eyes on the road, big shot. Just cause you're a sexy movie star doesn't mean you can put peoples' lives in danger," she joked, poking him in the ribs.

"I'm doing this for you, sweetheart."

She looked up from her Blackberry and gave him an intrigued look. "Doing what for me?"

He pressed 'play' and let the soft acoustic strumming infiltrate their ears. Cadence stared at the speakers with amazement, not knowing what to say. The huskiness of his voice soon softened and the song ended. Robert looked over at the awestruck young woman, awaiting her answer.

"You finished it," she managed.

He pulled into a reserved parking space and turned off the ignition. "Yesterday." He stared at the keys in his hands. "I wanted to wait till it was done before you heard it."

Cadence's small hand covered her mouth as she processed everything. After only a week of knowing each other, Robert had announced that he was going to write her a song. Naturally, she took this as a horrible joke on his part, but teased him about it mercilessly for days. She recalled their phone conversation the previous night.

"You'd better be working on my song if you have to cancel our date, Robert Pattinson!"

He chuckled at her teasing solemnity as he registered his full name being used. "It's all I've been doing, darling. I promise. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

She huffed. "It had better be good."

"It's a date."

"I really have been writing you a song, and I wanted to wait for the perfect time to let you hear it."

She looked up at him, tears threatening to pour from her big blue eyes. Such kindness was something she'd never experienced in her life. She'd been loved as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, but never really as a girlfriend. He made her feel like she was his world. It was magic.

They both stepped out of the car and she leaned against the passenger door as he circled around to her.

"I don't deserve this."

His hands reached for her face, the benign coarseness of his finger tips soothing her immediately. "You deserve this more than anybody. I feel like I can trust you. I'm myself around you. There's no front for reporters or the bloody paparazzi. I'm not Edward Cullen, or RPattz or whatever the hell else everyone calls me. I'm just 'Robert'. No celebrity validation required."

"You treat me too well. I'm not used to it."

"And that's a shame. I've been shown love for many years, but I haven't been able to give it so honestly before."

Cadence couldn't jeopardize everything she'd worked for because of a crush. He'd just admitted his love for her, but she couldn't say it back. That would mean she'd given in. She refused to do that. So instead, she did what she really, truly wanted to do.

She let him wrap her in his arms, and she knew she'd be safe.

A stray tear was consumed by the flannel of his shirt and she looked at him with smiling eyes. He grinned and pressed his lips to hers. "And if you thought that was good, just wait until you turn around."

Her crying eyes were replaced by wondering ones and she turned around curiously, a gasp escaping the confines of her lips. He slipped his arm around her waist and smiled. "Cadence Davis, welcome to the set of 'Twilight'."
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This is long over due.
I'm so sorry, and a HUGE thanks to my 20 subscribers.
Don't forget to leave a comment =D

<3 .