I Won't Let You Get Lost


Cadence scurried around her apartment, her stiletto heels getting caught in the long hem of her dress. She ran a hand through her hair, adding more volume to the messy updo her hair stylist had put together. A sigh of aggravation racked in her throat as she rummaged through a stack of papers on her desk.

"Hold on one blasted moment, will you, Lily!"

"I'm not paying you to hold on to anything. All I want is your bloody draft."

"Well you're just going to have to wait cause I can't find the damn thing."

Her boss groaned on the other end and Cadence grimaced.

"Cadence. This is ridiculous. You only have a week left, not even! Six days, Cadence. Six days! How in the hell am I supposed to fly this by everyone if I have nothing to go on?!"

"I'm trying, I'm trying! Look. I've done everything I said I would and tonight, you're gonna get even more than you bargained for. This is a huge deal, and I promise that my notes for tonight are going to more than make up for everything I've put you through. I really have to go though, and if he so much even reads a single word on any of these sheets, he'll have my head!"

"Who'll have your head, love?"

Cadence gasped and spun on her heels, spying a rather dashing Robert leaning in her doorway. She pressed her berry stained lips to the receiver and spoke in the softest of voices.

"Lily, I'll have to call you back."

"I swear to God, Cadence, I'm going to -"

The line disconnected and her phone in her purse, attempting to regain her breath and scattered thoughts were the only things on her mind now.

That, and what Robert looked like under that perfectly tailored Armani suit.

A coy smile on his lips, he stepped closer, his hands dug deep into the pockets of his pants. It took him all of three long, effortless strides to reach the stunned young woman. His eyes were on her and she caught his stare. Something in his eyes shone causing her to blush. He chuckled.

"You look beautiful, Cadence."

"You don't look too bad yourself, Robert."

He grinned from ear to ear, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, the other one remaining conveniently hidden in his pocket. "I'm not too good at this."

"I find that hard to believe," she smiled.

"Shame I'm not being earnest. I'm really not."

She pressed her hand to his cheek, her thumb tracing along his full, pink lips. He took her hand in his and kissed it gently. Cadence bit her lip. "You're a death trap."

His lips then moved from her hand to her ear, grazing it seductively as he responded. "I'm nothing compared to you." An electric shock jolted through her body as he proceeded to slide his hand down to the small of her back. "Shall we?"

She nodded.

Words had failed her.


"And who are you wearing tonight?"

Cadence smiled. "I'm wearing a Versace original."

"It looks stunning on you."

"Thank you so much. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it."

As the news reporter walked away, Robert's lips once again found their way to her ear. "I know what you mean."

She looked up at him with her big blue eyes and just smiled, the blinding flashes from the paparazzo's cameras lighting up the whole scene. Their lips nearly met when all of a sudden, a voice broke the undetectable silence between them.


Both of their heads turned and Cadence could feel her heart drop as Kristen Stewart glided across the red carpet, looking more perfect than words could describe. Her smile was almost as blinding as the camera flashes and the flowing black material of her dress made her look as if she was floating. Cadence held her breath.

"Kristen, hello!" He greeted her with a quick hug before standing back beside his date. She watched Kristen until her eyes locked with hers.

"Who is this, Robby? I thought you weren't the dating type."

He chuckled. "I never said that. I just never had the time to find someone worth my while."

"Well it seems you have."

"Yes, it seems so. Kristen, this is Cadence Davis. Cadence, Kristen Stewart."

"So nice to meet you."

Kristen smiled. "Same here. Are you from England?"

The question surprised Cadence a bit. "Uhm, yes."

She looked up at her co-star. "So Edward Cullen flew his little beauty all the way down to the States for a movie premiere?"

Cadence bit her lip in embarrassment. "I guess so," was all she could muster.

A protective grip tugged at her hip and she realized Robert was becoming agitated. She slipped her hand over his fingers.

"We're gonna move down the carpet. You should catch up with Taylor. He looks lonely."

And before she could respond, Cadence and Robert were already off in the opposite direction. Kristen stood there, dumbfounded as she watched the famous actor walk off with his date. Something just didn't feel right. The girl seemed way too soft spoken, as if she was hiding something. It had nothing to do with being shy; there was a certain independent quality to her. Through with thinking about the mysterious new girlfriend, Kristen turned and smiled her way back to Taylor Lautner, leaving her inhibitions aside for the moment.


"Why do I get the feeling she doesn't like me in the least?"

The movie premiere had just ended and the two of them were off to an after party in the city. His sports car sped down the lane, darkened by the sky, enrobed by liquid night.

Robert chuckled. "Kristen's just looking out for me. We're good friends."

Cadence gave him a knowing look.

"Not that good."

"I should hope not."

He laughed at her sour disposition. This caused her to give him an annoyed look.

"Are you jealous, my dear?"

"Jealous? Why in the hell would I be jealous?"

He smiled gently, rubbing her shoulder affectionately. "Because since we've been together, I've had to spend every single day with her until just last week."

Cadence crossed her arms childishly. "Good enough."

He chuckled again. "Sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about. Anything Kristen does is purely in my best interest, but she knows how I feel about you. She just has a somewhat... well... interesting way of showing it."

"Pretty uncouth way, if you ask me."

"Perhaps," he reasoned. "But we're Brits. There's a certain sophistication that we tolerate."

Cadence giggled and she could feel her dismal mood lifting. Robert hit the brakes and turned off the ignition. He circled the car and opened it for her, helping her out carefully. She clutched her small purse to her hip and followed the tall actor, fingers intertwined.

They stepped foot into the huge mansion, the bombarding shutterbugs left at the front entrance, savage techno beats raging through their bodies. Robert stopped at the top of the stairs and overlooked the scene. Everyone from the premiere was dancing, drinking, laughing, talking, enjoying themselves. He grinned and brought Cadence closer to him, resting his hand on her hip lovingly. "Do you want something to drink? Champagne, wine -"

"Whatever you're having's fine."

He smiled. "If you insist." He kissed her hand and darted down the steps, leaving Cadence to roam about the crowd alone. She descended the steps and felt eyes on her. The shimmer of her silk dress caught the light and she could see the glistening drops of white light hitting the carpet beneath her. She smiled to herself, enjoying the attention. It didn't hurt to have someone watch your every move, so long as they didn't do so all the time. Just then, her phone began to vibrate. She could feel it through the fabric of her purse and rushed to answer it. She couldn't very well blow off Lily again or else she'd lose her job, no questions asked.

"Hello?" she yelled over the music.

"Jesus fuck, Cadence! Lower it down, will you?"

"I'm sorry! It's so loud here!"

"Well then go somewhere damn quieter! I'll wait if it means keeping my ear drums intact!"

"You're such a riot!" She brought the phone down from her ear and scurried to a corner that was somewhat blocked off by the bathrooms. "Okay, okay, we're good now."

"Thank God. I couldn't take anymore shouting."

"You and me both."

"So how's everything? How was the premiere?"

"It was wonderful. All eyes on us, our eyes on each other. I'd say I worked my magic well."

"Let's hope not too well. We don't need to tear this guy to shreds."

Cadence looked at her nails and sighed. "That ship has definitely sailed. It doesn't matter what I do for the next week. He'll be a wreck either way."

"I sense some sadness in that remark..."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm gonna hurt a man's feelings. A man who's treated me like the greatest treasure in the whole world. I may be ruthless, but that doesn't make me any less human."

"I'm not sure ruthless is even the right word," Lily smirked.

"Yeah, well. He's reeled in. We'll have a hit story on our hands." Cadence sighed, a tear streaming down her porcelain skin. "By this time next month, you'll be the envy of every magazine in Britain." She took a breath. "Maybe even the world."

As she admired her surroundings, Cadence caught sight of Robert approaching. She began to panic.

"Lily, uh, he's coming. Okay, yes. Okay, of course. Yes, yes, I'll fax everything over to you. Yes. By deadline time tomorrow. I promise. Okay, yes. Alright, I get it! Bye!"

"Who were you talking to?" he smiled, watching her stuff the Blackberry into her handbag.

Taking the champagne, Cadence found no reason to lie anymore. "My boss. She was just checking up on me about a project I'm working on."

"Is that right?" he grinned, getting closer.

"Mhm, that's right. Why? Is it killing you that you don't know what the project is?"

"Would it not interest me?"

She paused, mid-sip. "No, I happen to think it would interest you beyond belief. It just wouldn't be right to tell you." She bit her lip. "It wouldn't be fair."

Robert smiled and pressed his lips to hers. She deepened the kiss, wrapping her arm around his neck. He pulled away, staring at her longingly. Cadence struggled for breath for what felt like the millionth time that night. This was officially getting to her. She knew that look. The wild, rebellious, raging look in his eyes; it was the look of primitive instinct. It was a man's signal that he was lusting after satisfaction. But something in his eyes was just a bit different and she could only smile when she realized what it was. It was love, not lust.

"Let's get out of here."

She grinned. "But we only just got here."

"Who cares?"

They smiled at each other and set down their champagne glasses. The music was still blaring, the drinks were still being mixed and the people were still dancing like mad. The only thing out of whack was the lone pair of eyes watching the couple as they left the party.

Little did they know, those eyes had seen too much.

Much too much.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cadence's look was inspired by the following.
This is her dress, and this is her hair.

I find the dress dazzling.
Versace is just ingenious.

Ps, 22 subscribers?
You guys rock.