Etched in Stone


“Are you even listening to me?” Mrs. Stone, the freshmen principal yells at me. I glance away from my phone, and look her in the eyes. “I'd be lying of I said yes.” I say coldly to her.” “Kerenza,” Mrs. Stone says sighing and sitting down in her chair. “I've ran out of punishments for you.” Mrs. Stone brings her hand to her face, covering her eyes. “I've done all that I can do.” She says more to herself then to me. I roll my eyes, while crossing my arms. “May I say in my defense that all I did was tell a kid to shutup?” Mrs. Stone sighs aggravated. “You forgot to mention the part where you threw a book at him.” I bite my lip -catching a giggle trying to escape.- “Hey,” I say regaining my composer. “I didn't forget anything, because I didn't throw anything at him.” Mrs. Stone lets one of her eyes show from behind her hand. “Oh really?” I nod, smirking. “I didn't throw a book, but I threaten too.” Mrs. Stone covers her eye again. “Hey there is a difference.” Mrs. Stone takes a few minutes of silence, then slowly slides her hand down her face. “Kerenza, why would you even threaten that?” I bite at my school approved lip ring, and look down at my hands, spinning my thumbs slowly around each other. “He...insulted my boyfriend.” I feel traitorous tears surfacing themselves. -Oh no, not here.- I think to myself. -I can't break down here.- I start spinning my thumbs faster. “Kerenza, you know that kids with say things especially with the-” “My boyfriends name is Ryan.” I say cutting her off. I barely could get myself to say her name. “Oh my, not Ryan Smith.” Mrs. Stone gasp sorrowfully. “Yeah, my boyfriend..he is dead.” I say feeling hot tears streaming down my cheeks. “Now do you get why I freaked out?” I say looking up at Mrs. Stone. “Ryan, is dead so that idiot had no right mocking him!” I break the eye connection with Mrs. Stone feeling the tears starting to stream faster. I hear Mrs. Stones shoes clicking against the tile, as she walks over to me, to rub my back. “Ssh.” She mutters sadly. “No!” I snap, slapping her hand away from me. “Ryan is dead, my boyfriend...” I say sobbing now. “We were dating for years!” I shake my head, wishing I could stop crying. “Ryan, my Ryan is dead and it's all my fault!” “Honey there was nothing you could do.” Mrs. Stone says offering me a Kleenex. I shove the box away, “I could have not given him that damn book.” “The cops said-” “The cops are fucking retarded, Ryan wasn't poisoned.” I say looking at my hands. “He died from that fucking elixir from that book.” Mrs. Stone stood silently behind me. “What elixir?” She whispered. “From that book, but how would I know he would take the damn thing, I only gave him that book for his research paper!” “Kerenza, what was the book?” I sigh, looking down at my shoes. “It was a vampire book.” I say spitefully. My head starts pounding, as everything in the room becomes blurry from my tears. “Ugh.” I moan, laying my head on Mrs. Stones desk. “Poor girl.” Mrs. Stone whispers to herself. I sigh, bringing my arms up to my head to use them as a pillow. Mrs. Stone coughs a few times to strengthen her voice. “Kerenza, there is five minutes to the bell, what would you like to do?” I lay there for a while gathering my strength for me to speak. “I'd like to just go to lunch.” I say weakly anyways. “Okay, you're free to leave whenever you like.” Mrs. Stone says sitting down looking at me. I lift my head up and smile softly. “Okay, thanks.” I say gathering my things quickly, and scurrying out the door. “Take ca-” is all that I heard as the door shuts, cutting her off. -She doesn't believe me.- I think to myself heading to the bathroom to fix my makeup. However when I got into the bathroom I kept crying. Ryan's death kept replaying through my head. “Ryan.” I cry out sliding down the wall. “I'm sorry.” I say wrapping my arms around my legs. “I'm so sorry.” I say burying my face into my knees. I hear some girls heading towards the bathroom giggling. Before I actually see them walk through the door way I dive into one of the stalls, covering my mouth so my gasps for air will be hidden. I heard them giggling about how one of the girls boyfriend had embarrassed her, and how she should dump him. Hearing that brought back memories of how Ryan would do the most embarrassing thing ever, then hug me tightly and whisper to me how he loves me. -Ryan.- I cry out in my head. After some time passed by the giggling fades, signing to me that they had left. I feel my phone vibrate..a text message from Alyx my best friend. “Hey hoe where are you? - Zackyy.” Zack was my gay best friend. “I finally got out, and now I have to pee.” I reply. I sigh, turning off my phone. - Ryan whyy.- I think to myself. I start sobbing again. That's when I heard it. That nasty little voice of the razor blade. It was coming from my pocket. See a few days ago me and Ryan deiced to dispose of our razor blades together. So I brought mine today.. I felt my heart actually breaking. “I hate this.” I say through the gulps of air. -Do it.- the razor said tauntingly. “But Ryan didn't..” -Ryan isn't here through.- The razor reminds me. It always seems to know what to say. I knew I wanted it's cold body against my warms skin, it just seemed so good. The comfort, I wanted it so badly. -Then have it.- The razor smarts off. “But Ryan doesn't want me to.” I say bringing my razor out of it's cage. -But he is dead.- I bite my lip. -He did what he was afraid you was going to do.- My razor was making sense. My savior killed himself by trying to become a beast. Don't get me wrong, I use to love vampires. But now that they have some hand in killing Ryan, I hate them. -Don't you want to be with him?- I nod. -Then do it.- I couldn't argue anymore. I take the razor to my wrist, and cut upwards. It stung, but it didn't hurt enough to dull the pain I was feeling. So I cut again, only this time I press a bit harder. Same reaction. So I cut more and more, and press harder and harder. Finally when my arm went numb I look down at my arm to see the damage. “Alyx and Zack are-” I stop in mid sentence. I drop my razor. Crimson liquid poured from my arm, making my skin invisible. I looked down, blood covered the floor. I start to panic and open the stall door quickly stepping towards the sink to try to wash my wounds. But everything started to spin. I reach out for something, anything, to help keep me balanced. However I miss the sink, falling straight to the ground. I flip over, seeing as I had fallen face first. Everything around me was becoming so blurry it was hard to tell one thing from another. “KERENZA!” I hear Alyx yell. “Zack get in here, Kerenza!” I jolt my eyes shut. “I'm sorry.” I whisper as I hear Zack run off That's when my world went black.