I Thought Werewolves And Vampires Didn't Mix

Ooo I'm scared...

"Ahh!" I yelled softly pretending to be scared of the 4 foot 7 girl pretending to lunge at me and my two friends after calling her "Shorty." Only it didn't feel like i was pretending.

"Fang, Fang!" yelled that same girl, bringing me back to the present. That was in the 5th grade when me and Raven barely knew each other, it was also the first year of me phasing and the first year i had to pretend to be four years younger than i really was.
Me and Raven were together now, and we had no secrets, as far as we both knew.

"Huh?" i heard her say softly under her breath, the same breath that smalled so sweet to me and could ake me forget anythng she did wrong.

"What did you say babe?" I asked not expecting an answer.

"Oh nothing" this was always her answer, she did this almost twice a day if i didn't know better iwould think she was talking to someone in her head. Yeah right. Humans can't do that, then maybe she isn't- no iI can't think like that she would tell me I have to trust her, but then again Inever told her about me.

"Don't even think about it" I heard my pack leader Jessy say in my head.

"What?" I thought acting innocent.

"Don't act like i didn't hear that thought about asking her if she was human"

"But what if she's not, she has that scent of something else."

"Yes but she doesn't smell like anything you have ever smelled, it could just be some weird perfume."

"I guese but wh- wait how did you hear me anyway?" I was the only one in my pack who could block the thought of my pack members, some extra thing I got with becoming one, along with something else... but thats not important right now.

"I don't know could have been that sweet breath" Jessy teased

"Oh shut-it "

"Yes second in comand Sir!" He teased again, Of course I couldn't boss him around he was the pack leader, not to mention 105 years-old.

"Fang...?" I jumped hearing Raven's voice since i wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, sorry yeah?"

"I have a question for you, do you beleive in vampires and werrewolves?"
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Comment me please! i want to know how i did.