Status: This story is complete.

Secret Santa Lovers.


A large bus with extremely tinted windows traveled along the freeway, nearing it's destination. Brian quickly gave them all a schedule of the events and a map, hurriedly speaking about times and practices before a few minutes later the bus pulled to a stop outside a large brown building with many various pavilions set up around it.

"Okay guys, have fun exploring the venue," Brian spoke as Frank smiled and their driver opened the door.

"Don't worry, we will," Frank smirked as he walked over to the left side of the venue as previously planned. A few seconds later, Quinn came around behind him and wrapped his arms around the smaller man's waist. Frank smiled and turned around to face him before his lips reached up to Quinn's. Ecstasy was the only word Frank could sum up how it felt when he was kissing Quinn. It felt so good to be able to kiss the lips that made him fly.

A few moments later, they were in a heated make out session but were disturbed by the sound of footsteps. They quickly broke apart and Quinn started rambling about guitar strings and picks and which were of the best quality. Frank hid his laughter and nodded along, occasionally dropping in brand names and giving the strings Quinn mentioned a rating out of five. They watched as a grounds keeper walked past them before cracking and laughing hysterically as he walked out of sight.

"That was too close," Quinn said before gasps of air and giggles.

"I know, but it was worth it," Frank added. As their laughter subsided, they started discussing their plans for Christmas.

"So, what are you doing?" Quinn asked whilst holding Frank's waist.

"Nothing, just trying to avoid the mad rushes at the shops. You?" Frank responded.

"I was thinking maybe I could stay at your place, if that's okay with you I mean, I can stay with Jepha or someone else if it's going to be a,"

"Quinn, of course you can stay," Frank giggled before kissing Quinn again.

"Frank, I've got a surprise for you, wanna see it?" Quinn smiled as he spoke.

"Yes, you know I love surprises. Especially ones from you," he winked and watched as Quinn lifted up his shirt. On Quinn's left side of his hips was a picture of a guitar pick and Iero written inside in running writing. Frank smiled before leaning down to look at it closer before placing a delicate kiss on it and looking back up to Quinn.

"That is the greatest present I've ever received. Want to see what I got you?" Frank smiled before asking.

"Yeah, sure," Quinn smiled before Frank reached into his back pocket and pulled out a receipt.

"Um, you shouldn't have?" Quinn cocked his eyebrow and slowly took the receipt from Frank.

Frank giggled before shaking his head. "Read the receipt silly," he replied as Quinn turned the receipt right way around and widened his eyes.

"You didn't? Oh my god, you did! Frank, this is perfect! It's exactly what we need! How did you afford this?" Quinn said quickly before enfolding him in a tight hug and kissing him passionately. Frank giggled once they had broken apart before responding, "I thought you'd like it. Plus, because it's Christmas and hardly anyone will be working during that week, we've got just about free reign over everything. Did you read where we're staying?"

"We're staying in the.. Hilton master suite? Isn't that the most expensive one, though?" Quinn raised his eyebrows while speaking.

"Anything for you love," Frank smiled before engulfing Quinn in a tight hug.

"How the hell did I land someone as perfect as you?" Quinn murmured to himself before sighing happily. It was perfect, completely perfect until, "Oh, hey guys," Jepha waved, making the red Santa hat he was wearing sway as he walked past, leaving the two lovers swapping horrified looks at each other before sent into another wave of laughter.

"Was he just wearing, what I think he was wearing?" Quinn laughed, peaking around the corner to see his friend again, red hat bouncing as he walked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was. Something tells me he isn't going to pass as the myth, though," Frank smirked. Just as he let the words escape his lips, Jepha screamed and ran past them with a group of little kids close at his heels demanding an answer as to why he wasn't fat and in a red suit.

"I told you! I'm not Santa Claus! Leave me alone!" Jepha shouted back at them. Meanwhile, Frank and Quinn told each other Merry Christmas before parting to go to their separate sound checks.

"Damn kids and their annoying questions," Jeph mumbled to himself as he headed off to the sound check, finally having lost the children.
♠ ♠ ♠
First attempt at Christmas story. Sorry that it sucks.