Adeline's Streets

Introduction to Adeline

I despise posers. Posers are people who try to represent something they have the slightest clue about. They're weak minded people who try to go by the trendsetting so others can think they're cool, and be friends with them but why would anyone want to be friends with somebody who's lying to themselves and being a fake? I am not closed-minded, judgmental maybe, but not closed-minded. I just think people should be more original and not try hard to be something they're not.
Most of my clothes are hand-made by me. I can sew by hand pretty good. Today I was wearing my black converse with white shoelaces, tight jeans with patches sewed on them, and a Subhumans' shirt I kind of made myself. I bought the shirt at a Subhumans' show and cut off the sleeves to make it sleeveless and strapless because the temperature lately has been around 95 degrees. I tend to get many comments on my appearance. People are always asking me to sew their pants and shirts.
Aaron, Sarah, Jimmy, Brandon, Jeremy and I always hang out together. Sarah is a bad ass. She only treats people she likes with respect. She can be really rude towards somebody when she's meeting them for the first time. I consider her my best girl friend. Brandon is the complete opposite of Sarah. He's so sweet, mellow, and kind to everybody. I shall say this, he does know how to throw a pretty damn good punch. Jeremy is a big guy who's really obnoxious. He is always down for anything. Most of the time you'll catch him faded or wasted. Out of all the guys, Jimmy is the most serious.
Jimmy is my boyfriend. We've been together for three years. Neither of us believe in marriage, but we can honestly tell you we love each other a hell of a lot. The first time Jimmy and I met was at a show. We were watching Operation Ivy perform. Aaron introduced us and we got along great. A lot of girls are always trying to hit on him but it has never been a problem in our relationship. He always makes me feel like I'm on top. You can tell by his personality he is not the kind of guy who would cheat on a girl. Leave her then date someone else, maybe, but that is a whole different story. Jimmy is extremely attractive. I admire his faded black-brown spiky hair and gorgeous green eyes. Jimmy has never pressured me to do anything. After three years of dating, we just started having sex about a month ago. Sex is something that's not at the top of my head when we're always doing a million other things and I'm having a good time being with him.
On our first date, Jimmy took me to the Golden Gate Bridge. Around that time I was new here so I didn't know much about Berkeley. He took me to a spot where we had an amazing view of the beautiful ocean and bridge. The date was not over until four o' clock in the morning. Jimmy and I stayed up all night to get to know each other better. The date was so simple yet amazing. A lot of people are always telling us we're the perfect couple but of course nothing's perfect. Every relationship has its flaws.
I was beginning to get a bad headache. I was looking for a bench to sit on while I waited for the guys to show up. I sat on one near my class. Sarah, Brandon, Aaron, and I are the only ones who decided to go to college after high school. Jeremy and Jimmy chose to work at an auto shop full time. Though I have people to accompany me, and he doesn't go to my school, Jimmy makes sure his lunch break is scheduled at the same time I'm getting out of school so he's able to walk me to work or some day's home. Jeremy likes to tag a long with Jimmy when he comes to pick me up. The college half of the group still weren't here, but I spotted Jimmy and Jeremy. As Jimmy got closer he looked worried.
He asks, "what's wrong Ad?"
I yawn, "I have a huge fucking headache from last night."
He sighs, "I told you to go home early. You working today?"
I put my hands on face to block the sun. "NO. Thank goodness."
A few seconds passed and the headache was really pitching in. I stood up.
Jimmy asks again, "babe what's wrong?"
I felt nauseated, "Um, I'm need to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."
"You want me to go with you?," he offers.
I answer quite annoyed, "no Jim. I'll be fine."

I started to run quickly to the nearest bathroom except, running only made it worse. All of a sudden I lose my complete body strength and I realize that I'm about to hit the hard cement floor. I fell but I didn't hit the ground. Somebody had their arms around me. "Are you alright?"
My vision was blurry. I couldn't see anything. "Uh yeah..."
"You sure?," they questioned me.
I rubbed my eyes then blinked constantly until my vision got clearer. I was able to see again. I identified, a boy. I tried to stand up and regain myself. "Yeah. I'm OK."
"OK?" He didn't believe me, "well my name is Joseph Armstrong. You can call me Joey. I like your shirt by the way," but he wasn't going to argue with me either.
My headache was back. I have no patience to listen to what he has to say. "My name's Adeline. I have to go, thanks for catching me. Bye." I rushed away.
Joseph is the son of frontman, Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day. I've seen him a few times at Gilman. People treat him like anybody else. I have only spoken to him twice, including this very second. The last time we spoke was in our math class back in high school. I helped him with a math problem he was having trouble with.
I walk back to the bench and found everybody had finally shown up. They were laughing at the shit talking Jeremy was saying. Jimmy looked at me. "What took you so long?"
I stutter, "uh-uh, the bathroom had a long line. Can we go now?" Jimmy looked at everyone to make sure they were ready, "sure. I guess." He held my hand and walked me home.