Adeline's Streets


The weekend was here. The gang and I were at a Gilman. As I'm waiting for the bands to perform, I feel someone poke my shoulder,"Adeline?"
"Oh hey. How's it going?" It was Joseph.
"Just here watching the bands." he said.
"Cool," I replied.
He nodded his head to agree. "So, how have you been? Haven't been falling, I hope."
I smile, "I've been good."
"That's good to hear." He smiled. "I like the shirt you were wearing that day, the... Subhumans!"
"How flattering," I said.
He asks me, "Were you at their show? It was pretty good. My friend and I were in the pit and it got intense because some girl..."
"Hm..." I stopped listening to him because I was paying attention to the line move.
"Next!," the man at the front stand shouted. It was my turn.
After I bought my shirt, I turn to Joseph. "Hey, I have to go, nice talking to you again."

It was now after the show. The performances and crowd were amazing. They really got me charged up and craving more when it was over. Instead of hanging out with everyone, Jimmy and I walk off on our own. We went behind Gilman to have some privacy. I lean back against the wall while he stood in front of me as we kissed for a long moment.
Jimmy was a good kisser. He's really passionate and his lips are always so soft and perfect. When the moment was over, he put his arms around my waist and held onto me. I laid my head on his chest. "I saw you were talking to your boyfriend," Jimmy said.
I move back an inch and raise my head from his chest. "What?" I didn't understand where he was coming from.
He replies, "rich kid, Joseph."
"You're dumb! I rarely talk to him," I was annoyed.
He laughs, "relax babe, I was kidding." He gave me a peck on the lips, pulled me against him, and held me even tighter. The moment was silent. Just as I thought there were going to be no more interruptions, Jimmy says, "Adeline we need to talk."
"OK," I was confused.
Jimmy let me loose. He began to scratch his head, at the same time his eyebrow raises a little when he asks, "how much do you trust me?"
I was even more confused, "why!?"
"Just asking," he said in the calmest voice.
"Jim, why?" I repeated myself.
He took a breath, "I'm leaving town for a while."
My eyes widened from the news, "for how long?"
He mubbles, "for about a year or so," as if I wasn't going to hear him, only I heard him loud and clear.
Not thinking, I automatically reply with my thoughts, "you're not going."
"I've already packed and quit my job today. Your opinion means nothing at this point," he was frustrated.
I was getting mad, "why did you ask for my opinion when you had already made up your mind?"
"I never asked for your opinion. I asked you if you trusted me. We can still be together." I couldn't believe what he was saying. He was making no sense.
I whisper, "You're not leaving me."
"I already told you, I'm leaving!" He was losing it.
So was I, "Yeah, well fuck you."
The area was filled with silence. He stared at me with these eyes of disbelief. I was indignant. "Fuck you Jimmy." I lift my arms and with all my strength I pushed him aside and walked away.
"Adeline wait!" Jimmy reached out to try and get a hold of my arm but he missed. He didn't bother to run after me, instead he stood there and punched the wall.

My eyes squinted from all the daylight in my room. It was morning. I rub my eyes, climb out of bed and began to walk into the kitchen. Aaron was serving himself cereal and getting ready for work, "hey Ad, how you feeling?"
I got a spoon and a bowl, "I'm fine."
Aaron hands me the cereal box, "um, you do remember Jim's leaving right?"
I serve myself cereal and reach for the milk, "Nah, he isn't."
He takes a spoonful, "and why do you say that?"
"Because he can't leave without making things right," I took a spoonful too.
Aaron spit out his food, "Ad, you dumb ass, that doesn't mean he's not gonna leave."
I swallowed the food, "He's not leaving, I just know it." After another spoonful, I had had enough. "Ugh, dude, you know what I'm not hungry." I put the bowl in the sink.
"What the fuck don't waste food!" Aaron grabbed my cereal bowl.
I walk away and reply, "Fuck, there's work today."
Sarah worked at the record store also. Sarah and I aren't as close as Aaron and I, but I tell her a lot as well. For example, things that I can't talk to Aaron about, like "girl things" or just whatever we feel like talking about. While we were working I told her about the problem Jimmy and I were having. We were putting the Cd's away. I handed her the CD and she placed it where it belonged.
"Fool it's both of your faults, so you guys need to quit being SO stubborn and apologize to each other!" I gave her a fake smile and handed her a CD.
"Ad, I know you guys will make it through OK? Don't trip. Except, hope Jeremy doesn't find out about this or he'll eat Jimmy up for being an asshole, then I doubt you guys will be able to work it out." Sarah knew Jeremy jokes always cheered me up. "Hey Ad, do you think he'll show up here and make it better?"
I answer without a doubt, "Yeah he will."
It was after work and there was still no sign of Jimmy. I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. Sarah offered to keep me company, only I told her I'd be fine. I'm crossing the street, when I find Bryan at the other end. As soon as I finish crossing, I hug him. "Hey Bryan, have you seen Jimmy?"
"Hey Ad!, I've been looking for you! Um, Jimmy left."
"What? You're joking, right?" I asked.
"No he did. He asked me if I could give him a ride to the airport. Oh and before I forget, Jimmy wanted me to tell you he's sorry but he has to do this. That you'd understand hopefully. He didn't mean to say what he said and he thinks you know that somehow."
I tell Bryan I'll see him later and I start walking away. I didn't want to go home now. I decide to go to the drug store, buy some beer and then go drink it inside Gilman. Yeah I know, I know, "NO BEER IN GILMAN." At this point, I don't give a fuck. I sat on the floor and drank. Then Joseph came along. "Hey what's up?"
I take a big drink. "Nothing."
He noticed the beer but didn't say anything. "OK? I heard about your boyfriend. I'm sorry."
I didn't say anything. I just kept taking big drinks.
Joseph's eyes went wide. "Are you drinking because of a guy?"
"So?" I said it sounding annoyed.
He repeats, "Because of a guy?"
I answer, "He's not just a guy."
Out of nowhere Veronica comes up to my face. "Hey bitch, you fucked with my friends! You fuck with my friends and I'll fuck you up!"
I don't need this right now. I had my own problems and now this bitch was about to give me more. "You fucking bitch that's none of your business. Now get the fuck out of my face."
Veronica pushes me. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I push her and lose control. I punch her as hard as I could nonstop, giving her no chance to hit me back. When she fell, I got down to grab her head and slam it against the floor repeatedly. Joseph picks me up, pulls me out of the fight and we run away. I can't believe I had just beat up Veronica. I had let all my feelings out on her. We finally stopped running and gasped for air. We were at the place where all the punks hung out, they called it "The Lockout". It was under a road, it was dirty, had graffiti on the walls and two old couches lying around. I sat on the couch, still panting from the running. Joseph bent down and put his hands on his knees.

Still gasping for air he says with disbelief, "I can't believe you just did that..." I stared at him speechless.