Ride Into the Sunset


My name is Olivia Freeman. My family owns Sunset Farms, a duderanch getaway for celebrities. I am 19 years young and I have a 21 year old brother who is a pro bull rider and a 16 year old sister who is a barrel racer. I am a champion barrel racer, stadium jumper and an amature eventer(please look all these up on google or you'll have no clue what I'm talking about!) We have invited the Twilight cast since they just had their movie premire. They were coming today and I am making the girls bunkhouse up.
I yelled to my brother to come get me when they got here. I ran to the barn and got my barrel horse Harlow out of her pen. I tied her up then went to get my gear and chaps. I got her ready then zipped my chaps on to protect my legs from the flaps on my saddle the walked out to the barrel ring where 3 barrels were set up in a cloverleaf pattern.
I mounted Harlow then dlset off in a jog. I changed directions the pushed her into a slow gallop. She tugged at the bit asking to go faster. I gave her the reins and let her gallop faster then pointed her to the first barrel. She ran to it and leaned around it gong to the second she leaned over bumping the barrel. I put a steadying hand on it to keep it upright and pointed her to the last barrel. She leapt around it and galloped home. I looked up and noticed that I had an audience. I ran Harlow up to them and slid her to a stop spraying sand in front of her.
"Hey there! I'm Olivia!" I said breathlessly. They introduced themselves to me. "I'm Kristen, Ashley, Nikki, Rachel, Taylor, Cam, Kellan, Jackson and Rob." she pointed the each as she said their name. I shook everyones hand then Kellan asked. "How fast were you going?" "Varies from 10-20mph" They all looked at me in surprise. "What? How do you stay on?" I smiled,"Lots of practise." I hopped down from Harlow's back and pulled the reins down. "Follow me to the barn. I'll show you your horses then to your bunks. How long are you staying?" Kristen smiled,"3 weeks!" "Great! That means you'll have long enough to explore and learn how to ride the horses. You may even learn how to barrel race or jump. Depending on how well you take to each saddle." I put Harlow's halter on then tied her to the post and took her saddle off and put it in the gear room.
"Each saddle rack is labeled with your horses name. You will learn how to get them ready and how to ride. Let's go see your horses!" I led them down the aisleway and stopped at a stall containing a black male horse. "Kellan this is your horse. His name is Riot. He's really kind despite his name. Spend some time with him. Let him smell your hands. He won't leave you alone after that." Kellan let himself into the stall and did what I told him. I walked to the next stall containing a palomino female. "Kristen this is Arabelle. She's yours. Do the same as I told Kellan." She mock saluted me and went into the stall. Across the aisle was a chocolate brown male. "Jackson that's Rockstar." He nodded and went into the stall crooning to the horse. The next horse had a light brown coat and black mane and tail. "Nikki this is Raella." Next was a russet brown male. "Taylor this is Baxter." I led the others to their horses. Cam on Othello, Rachel on Turret and Ashley on Leilani. I led Rob to his horse. "This is Sylvester. He's a bit rowdy so I'll be helping you alot. He was the last horse we had avaliable." ""It's no problem. I'm glad I'm here at all! This is just another thing i'll have accomplished!" I smiled and turned away and walked down the aisle to Harlow. I kissed her nose and untied her and led her to her pen.
I walked back inside and called down the aisle, "Who wants to check out their lodging???" I laughed as I saw all heads pop out of the stalls. "Lets go then!" They came out of the stalls and walked back to me. I led them to their bunkhouses and told them that dinner was at 5:30.
I walked back to the house only to hear horses squeling and kicking their stalls. I looked back and saw a horse galloping towards me. I noticed the horse was fully tacked, he mustve dumped his rider somewhere. I flung my arms out towards his reins and vaulted on, pulling back on the reins slowing the stallion. I spun the horse around and went back in the direction he came from. I heard someone crying and cantered toward the sound. Sitting on the ground was a boy no older than 11. I dismounted and picked up the little boy and put him on the saddle in front of me, cradling him against my chest, and rode back to the ranch.
Everyone was outside waiting as I got back into the yard. I had taken inventory on his injuries. He was bleeding from his leg and had a cut on his forehead and possibly a broken wrist. "Mom! Call the doctor! I think he broke his wrist!" She nodded and ran back to the house. Rob was quickest to get to me and took the boy from my arms. I dismounted and led the horse to the barn and put him in a spare stall. Sitting in the boys saddlebag was an ID. I pulled it out and went back to the house. I went up to the boy. "Eric?" He nodded then winced in pain. "I'm Olivia. Your horse is okay and we're going to get a doctor here. Does your wrist hurt?" "Yes. Alot." "Okay, we'll get you fixed up. Hang in there." I went to get a spiny and a bandage to wrap his arm in then got some peroxide to clean his cut. The doctor arrived a bit later and took Eric home to his parents. I walked into the living room and sat down in exhaustion. The guests came in and raved over how I had launched myself onto a moving horse. I smiled and closed my eyes. They said they'd come get me when the food was ready. Cam stayed behind and sat in the loveseat across from me.
"I know you're still here. Ask away." I heard him chuckle and shift. "How'd you do it?!" "What? Vault myself onto the horse?" "That and knowing exactly where to go." ""I have good tracking skills. When you live with horses it's more than likely that they run off every so often. It's always been my job to track them down and find them. Sorta like your character." He laughed "weird coincedence." I nodded and Ashley came into the room. "Dinner time!" My stomache growled and I laughed and walked into the kitchen and grabbed plates full of food and set them on the table. I sat down between my sister Jenna and my brother Mitch and dug into my food.
After dinner I walked outside and sat on the fence that fenced in some of the horses. They meandered up to me and looked for food. But when they didn't find any they lost interest and walked away. Then a voice behind me said,"They know what they want don't they?" "Yep. Boring people without food. Not something they care about." He chuckled, "Come sit." He climbd up onto the fence and sat next to me. I smiled at the figure me next to me and sat looking at the horses.
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Soooo???? How's the first chapter if my first story??! Please comment and give some thoughts!

Who was outside with Olivia??? Guesses?? And who do you want to be paired with who?