Slow Down, it's all Legit

Slow Down, it's all Legit 3

I was doing a lot of falling on my butt and a lot of cursing because I was falling on my butt and it was just a vicious cycle. On about the one millionth fall, I heard some pretty hysterical laughter coming from somewhere behind me. It made me mad and I started to cuss whoever was laughing without looking to see who was there.

“Hey, hey,” he said trying to stop his laughter. “I’m sorry, I can just see how much you want to not fall.”

“Oh yeah, because there are so many people who would rather fall while snowboarding than actually pulling some sick trick like a 1020 or something,” was my reply. Sarcasm was easily palpable in my tone.

“Touché,” he amended. “But if you want some help with that I’m sure I can be of some help to you.”

“I highly doubt that anyone could be of help to me right now. Unless you were some crazy boarder like-holy shit you are Mason Aguirre.” Standing in front of me was my all time favorite snowboarder and I had just been cussing him out. “Then maybe you could help me. A little bit.”

He laughed again. “I could try, but it looks like something is holding you back. Possibly the fact that you look super uncomfortable riding regular. Try riding goofy.”

“Yeah, I know I’m goofy, but I figured since I was doing so badly riding goofy I’d try doing it regular. Apparently neither of them wants to work for me.”

“Hey, you’re Shaun’s new girl aren’t you? He was telling us about you. He told us you really needed to get your ass over here and learn to ride. What made you come?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. I’m sorry I interrupted your riding; I’ll just get going so you can get on with it. I’ll tell Shaun you said hey.”

I tried to leave because that stupid depression was resurfacing yet again, but Mason caught my arm and wouldn’t let me go. He looked at me for a minute as if to find some hidden secret on my face, but I knew better than to let it sit out in the open. I was good at hiding things from people. He would not let go of my arm, though.

“Stay and board with me,” he practically ordered. “I can help you. And don’t even tell me that you don’t want help because I can see the passion on your face; you really want to ride and be good at it so let me help. What have you got to lose?”

“Not much more than I’ve already lost,” I mumbled, hoping he would not understand what I said. I did not need him to know my life story or take pity on me. I just wanted to board.

“Look, I don’t know where you’ve come from or what’s on your mind, but it doesn’t matter. Just shove everything else out and focus on hitting the run you want to hit. Boarding is great for letting out all your pent up emotion. Let me help you.”

The look in his eyes was almost too much to handle. He really did want to help me and would not take no for an answer. For some reason, he wanted me to trust him and let him teach me everything he knew so that I could be a snowboarding contender. So I let him lead me away from the pipe and to the slopes so that he could re-teach me the basics. But I impressed him because Shaun had already taught me how to board, it was just the anger that held me back. I forced it away and only focused on the riding just like he said and it totally worked. He looked a little too impressed which kind of offended me, but whatever. The only thing that mattered was that I was boarding.