Slow Down, it's all Legit

Slow Down, it's all Legit 4

Mason was way cooler than I expected him to be. I mean, I knew he was a cool guy, but I figured he wouldn’t give a damn about me so it was awesome to know that he wanted to help me learn. Shaun had gotten me some Burton stuff so I was pretty stocked up on clothes. Both of them were helping me out and I was super appreciative that they were taking time out of their schedules to make me better. I was still kind of lonely, though.

It really wasn’t a big deal because it was a loneliness that I dealt with all my life, but I was hoping that doing something I actually enjoyed would lessen the intimidating and superficial factors. I hadn’t met anyone my age on the slopes and I was starting school the next day. I was hoping to get to know at least one person before I had to face high school, though I wasn’t sure why I would get my hopes up.

Mason insisted on taking me to school my first day. I wasn’t sure why he wanted to bother, but he was already decided and I could not change his mind. Going into school with a pro snowboarder is a little nerve racking if you ask me, especially because most everyone actually knew who he was. They all looked at me like I was someone they should get to know just so that they can meet Mason and possibly other snowboarders. I was not going to have friends like that, though.

The secretary was really nice and helpful; she was willing to answer all of my questions, though I didn’t have many. I had little problem finding my locker because the school was fairly small since it was a private school. Heaven forbid daddy’s little girl go to a public school, even when he no longer cared for me. Far be it from me to question his decisions. Besides, I had always gone to a private school so it wasn’t anything new.

After Mason followed me all the way to my locker, I figured it was really time for him to leave. “Mase, you really don’t have to stay with me any longer. You can go now.”

“But what if you can’t find your homeroom or if you need moral support or something?” he argued. “You may need me and as soon as I walk out of that door you’re on your own. Maybe I should just stay for a while.”

“Mason, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. And besides, class starts in like five minutes. If I need you, I will text you because I am one of those bad girls who texts during class.” I smiled a cheeky smile at him and he laughed.

“Oh you know how I do love a bad girl.” His laughing was contagious so soon I was taking part. He hugged me and reminded me to text him with whatever I needed, then he walked away reluctantly.

My first period class was English, a class which I loved and excelled in more than the others. I had always loved to read and write and many told me that I was good at writing. Freshman year I had a teacher who told me that I was not a skilled writer and that my dream of someday becoming a writer was unfathomable. That was the story I stuck to; that was what I thought of my writing. I was hoping this teacher would like my writing a little more than that.

I walked in just as the bell was ringing for the start of the class so everyone looked at me like I was a freak. The teacher, who looked very young, also looked at me like I was a circus side show until he realized that I was the new student. He did the normal introductions, but did not make me talk about myself so I was grateful. And he didn’t seem to mind my sarcasm, so that was good. He seemed very passionate about what he taught and that was a great thing to have, especially in an English teacher.

I was lucky because they were starting a new book soon, Woman at Point Zero. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I had just finished reading that book at my old school. Though it was a very strange book, I enjoyed it and didn’t mind reading it again. It would be a little awkward, I thought, to read this book with a male teacher. It was bad enough with a female teacher.
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So yeah, no one is really reading this one.
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