Slow Down, it's all Legit

Slow Down, it's all Legit 6

Zander caught up with me at my locker. Apparently, he had heard my little talk with Mr. Hurley and so knew all about me. That was just great. I really didn’t want anyone knowing about my life. Mason didn’t even know all that stuff. Why did I tell Mr. Hurley?

We had fourth period chemistry, lunch, seventh period Psychology, and last period Gym together. Though I was glad to have someone to talk to, it was frustrating to know that I was actually expected to keep him company. I was so used to being alone that I didn’t know how to have a friend. How pathetic was that? And Gym? I was good at sports and was pretty muscular from dance, but I had always thought that Gym should not be required. I know that’s probably what everyone says, but I think that if you participate in another sport, even if it wasn’t part of the school, you should be exempted from Gym. Apparently they didn’t feel that way.

So the day dragged on with nothing overly exciting happening. I hated my history teacher, didn’t mind my Spanish teacher, loved my chem teacher, hated my math teacher, liked my psych teacher, and found my Gym teacher Emmett to be the funniest guy in the entire world. He felt too young to be called mister. They all seemed to like me, though so that was good.

My Gym teacher was this young, fresh-out-of-college-football-type guy who looked super intimidating but was really a big softy if you got on his good side. I immediately was on his good side when I told him that I could beat him in pickle ball, the game currently being played. Though it was the stupidest game ever, I kicked ass at it and told him that. He just laughed and told me that I could never beat him. He told me that if I beat him, he would let me decide the next sport we played (it could be something super girly he told me) and he would give me twenty bucks. Egos were never a good thing.

He owed me twenty bucks. But I assured him that I would not pick something stupid as the sport like sitting around doing nothing. That was so not the kind of girl I was at all. So I picked football and he loved me even more. After one day in class, I was his new favorite and I must say that it felt pretty good to get along so well with a teacher. My old teachers either could not stand me or just tolerated me because I was a good student.

“I don’t get you at all,” Zander admitted while we were sitting around waiting for a free pickle ball court. “You’re a dancer, you will be a snowboarder, you’re a beast at sports, and you like football. Are you actually human? Because I think that it would be more accurate to call you a robot, no one should be that good at so many things.”

With a roll of my eyes, I denied everything. “I used to be a dancer, I am not good at snowboarding, I’m just okay at sports, and yeah I like football, but who doesn’t? As far as I know I am not a robot, but you’d have to get confirmation from my father on that one. I’ve never seen my birth certificate so maybe I am a robot, who knows?” He, apparently, found that very entertaining and so promptly started laughing hysterically.

“Amberlinne!” Emmett called. “We’re playing doubles, get over here.”

I needed no further prompting because a team of me and Emmett was pretty much unstoppable. Zander came over to watch, but then left when someone else asked if he wanted to play. I was too into the game to notice, though. Like I said, it was the stupidest game ever, but I found it hilarious to play. What can I say, I was a weird person.

Mason was waiting for me at my locker once school was over. Seriously, I thought that was super obsessive, but then again, it was Mason. He never did anything half power; it was either done to the extreme or not at all. Though I admired that, it was a little weird when he was concentrating so much on me.

What I didn’t realize was that Zander was right there behind me so Mason expected an introduction and did the whole I-don’t-like-you-hanging-around-her act. I must say the Zander looked pretty intimidated, but I knew that Mason was just being Mason.

All in all, it was a pretty average day of school. I was hoping everyday would be that simple.
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