Slow Down, it's all Legit

Slow Down, it's all Legit 9

Luke ended up taking us dancing. Of all the things we could have been doing, he took us to this totally posh and upscale club so that we could dance all night. Not that I really had anything against it, because I kind of wanted them to see what I could do, but still. He couldn’t have thought of something different?

The first order of business though, was to get food since, of course, I was dealing with a bunch of guys and they were always hungry. I told them not to eat too much because I would be dancing them hard, but they didn’t seem to believe me. That was their loss though and I knew that I would be quick to say ‘I told you so’ when they felt like throwing up because they didn’t have time to digest.

As soon as Mason was done with his food (he was first), I dragged him out onto the dance floor and started grinding his body. He and Zander were the only ones that knew I had danced, so he was not shocked to see that I was, in fact, good. He did seem very uncomfortable with me dancing that way with him, though, which is understandable.

I was like a little sister to him and there I was grinding against him like there was no tomorrow. Soon Zander came though, and Mason seemed very relieved. Zander was a very willing partner and seemed to be having a very good time until Luke came up to us and practically pushed him off of me. He claimed that it was his turn since I was his ‘date’ but I thought it was pretty rude so I continued to dance with Zander.

Obviously Luke didn’t really appreciate that, but he was being immature so I decided to just ignore him because I wasn’t about to encourage that. But then a song that I had a legitimate dance to came on and I just had to start doing it. For some reason, every time I hear a song I danced to, I just have to do that dance and I was never able to kick the habit. So right there in the crowded club in the middle of the dance floor, I started to legitimately dance, not just grinding and sex on the dance floor.

It was weird and way to surreal for my taste. It was like everything stopped and it was only me there dancing like I had done so many time and the scariest part was that I enjoyed it. I had no pressure put on me to do well or be the best; I was just doing it because I wanted to. That was something I had not had since my mother died.

Once the song was over, I looked to see that the entire club had stopped what they were doing to stare at me. Not that I was self-conscious when I danced, but that really freaked me out. And it wasn’t just the people around me who were watching, it was literally everyone in the club and I really did not appreciate it. Talk about embarrassing.

“So, where the hell did you learn to dance like that?” Luke wondered incredulously, trying to make conversation to make things less awkward. So not helping, by the way.

“I was a dancer,” I admitted softly, completely shy all of a sudden. Maybe I was having fun a minute ago, but that time had passed and all that was left were very flushed cheeks and a racing heart.

“No way? That’s totally cool!” Regardless of whether he thought it was cool or not, I decided that I had just about all the dancing I needed for one night. It was totally fun for a while, but I did not want to draw all of the attention to myself, especially when I was trying so hard to forget about that part of my life.

Zander wasn’t sure how to deal with his newfound knowledge of my dancing abilities. He had known that I could dance, but he had never actually seen me and apparently those were completely different. I guess that just knowing could mean I was terrible and was just trying to make myself look better, but seeing meant there was nothing to be questioned. This is all merely speculation though because I would not talk about it with him.
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So this one's pretty short, sorry.
I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment.
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