The Christmas Angel

A Secret Struggle

Frank stared at Gerard from across the tour bus. Gerard was talking to his wife on the phone as usual, and as he talked Frank secretly checked him out. These two things happened on a usual occurrence, every day actually – sometimes twice. For you see, Frank loves Gerard, and Gerard -who is head over heels in love with his wife- has no clue.
Gerard walked into the bathroom and Frank new his spying was done for now. Of course that pissed Frank off, but he couldn’t get too mad at anything lately – it was almost Christmas after all.

“Can you believe it, Frank? Only two more shows until the tour is over and we can go home!”
Bob yelled excitedly when he entered the room Frank was currently in.

“Sure can’t, Bob.” Frank answered with fake enthusiasm. “I sure need a break.”

Of course both statements were true. Frank couldn’t believe that they only had two more shows before the Christmas break. That means only a few more days of seeing Gerard every single day before a three week break.
On the other hand though, Frank did need a break- badly. Or rather, his heart needed a break badly. Have you ever had to see the one you love everyday and have to see them so happily in love with someone else? If you just answered yes, welcome to Frank’s unhappy world.

“What are you gonna do for Christmas this year, Frank?” Bob asked happily while most likely imagining his own Christmas plans.

“Err. Nothing really. Probably just going to my parent’s houses or something. It’s not like I have anyone like you four do.” Frank thought about his band mates. He remembered when all five of them were single. He remembered when he had a chance at Gerard.

Not that he knew for sure that Gerard was gay. Hell no one even knew Frank was gay, they just all assumed he was picky. But the kisses they shared on stage sent electricity through his body, and he was positive nobody could give such passionate kisses when they weren’t the least attracted to the person they were kissing. That he was positive of.

“Well you’re always welcome over my house, and I’m sure any of the guys would be happy to have you over.” Bob replied.

“Oh yeah everyone wants the lonely pathetic third wheel band mate to be over for the holidays.” Frank rolled his eyes. “Don’t bullshit me, Bryar. You know if I accepted, suddenly you’d come up with a bad stomach virus or something.

Bob didn’t reply but instead laughed and pulled a Coke from the refrigerator and left.

“I knew it.” Frank grumbled to himself.

Then as if they timed it, Gerard stepped out of the bathroom with a closed cell phone in his hand.

“Hey, Frank! What are doing? Just sitting there and staring of in space?” Gerard joked.

“I guess so. Why where on the phone so long? I needed to call someone.” Frank lied through his teeth.

“Oh! Lindsey and I were just talking about our Christmas plans.” Gerard smiled in a dreamlike state. “This is going to be the best Christmas ever!”

“Yeah.” Frank answered sullenly. “Absolutely.”

“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked. “You sound so sad about it. What are you doing for Christmas?”

“Nothing, Gerard.” Frank answered. “You’re an asshole. You know I’m not doing anything.”

“Sorry, Frankie.” Gerard answered sincerely. “I forgot. I’ve just been so wrapped up in my plans…”

“That you forgot to give a shit about poor Frankie. Shocker.” Frank answered sarcastically.
“Frankie.” Gerard began. “You know I didn’t mean that. I….”

“Stop, its fine. Merry fucking Christmas.” Frank said stomping into the “bedroom area.”

Several minutes later Frank heard noises that sounded like footsteps. Thinking it was Gerard, Frank couldn’t help but smile. However he was very, very wrong.

“Frank?” A little female voice asked. “Frank Iero?”

“Who are you?” Frank asked to the disembodied voice.

Just then a small figure appeared, followed by a bright light and a warm feeling coming over Frank.

“Who… who are you?” Frank asked again. Only this time much more afraid.
The girl laughed.

“I’m an angel Frank. A Christmas angel and I’m here to give you the best Christmas ever.
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