The Christmas Angel

Awkwardness Across the Room.

The pair walked out of the jewelers happily. However, the happiness came from two different reasons. Frank was happy because he knew he had found the perfect gift for Gerard. Genevieve was just... happy. Little did Frank know, she did in fact create the jewelers, and upon doing that Genevieve decided something, she decided that Frank’s smile was the best sight in the world.

“Are we going out to lunch now?” Genevieve’s eyes glittered with happiness and excitement.

“I promised didn’t I?” Frank teased. “Pick wherever you’d like.”

After passing several restaurants, Genevieve finally settled on a pretty fancy restaurant at the end of town. Frank couldn’t help but laugh, she had good taste.

“Are we really dressed for this place?” Frank asked, pointing to the t-shirt and ripped jeans he was wearing.

“Oh, well we can be. “ Genevieve replied as she changed their clothes into something more appropriate.

“Ahh, perfect.”

As they walked in together Frank’s breath caught. He didn’t think he could find a more awkward situation. Towards the front of the restaurant Gerard and Lindsey sat enjoying a meal together.

“Ahh shit.” Frank mumbled.

“Frank what’s wro- “

“Excuse me, how many in this party?” A waiter asked, interrupting Genevieve's inquiries.

“Just two.” Frank replied, though his attention was completely elsewhere.

The waiter nodded and led them to a table right across from Gerard and Lindsey. As the two sat down cautiously, Gerard’s head then turned in dull curiosity. However, the curiosity was promptly replaced by shock when Frank came into view.

Frank could just imagine what was going through Gerard’s mind at that moment. As millions of dreadful images went through Frank's mind he sighed. The only thing he knew for sure at that moment was that nothing good could come out of this meal.

Nervously, Frank turned his head in Gerard’s direction only to be met with a surprising site.
Gerard stared straight back, eyes swarming with jealousy, and although Frank’s heart warmed a little knowing Gerard was jealous, fright overtook all of Frank's other senses at that moment.

However, Frank decided it would just be best if he just acted casual. Why not feed the jealousy a little more, could it hurt?

“Hey Genevieve?” Frank said quietly, throwing a flirtatious smirk to Genevieve incase Gerard was watching.

“Yeah Frank?” She questioned, still having no idea what was going on.

“You are definitely never picking the restaurant again.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. I must say it's been awhile.

5 months- really ! ^^;

Well there really is some good news though. I finished writing this story!.
What does that mean...?

Five more chapters until this sucker's done. xP So enjoy these <3