The Christmas Angel

As Jealousy Rears It's Ugly Head.

“Are our meals almost done?” Frank nervously asked the waiter for the fourth time that afternoon.

“A couple more minutes, sir.” The waiter hissed, his annoyance significantly rising.

Frank sighed angrily. He didn’t mean to be such an asshole, but he needed to get out of the goddamned restaurant quickly. Frank could feel Gerard's eyes on him, and quite frankly, if looks could kill Frank would have been dead many times over.

“You need to calm down.” Genevieve quietly said to Frank. “I’m so sorry for this.”

“I can feel him staring, I can’t stand it!” Frank quietly cried out.

“Here’s your food!” The waiter declared angrily when he reached Frank’s table, throwing the food at Frank and covering him in it in the process.

Genevieve laughed, she couldn’t even try to hold it. “You know you deserved that.”

Frank replied by flicking the spaghetti on his arm at Genevieve. “And you know you deserved that.”


Frank and Genevieve were midway through their meal. Nothing eventful had happened in the last fifteen minutes besides mindless chatter and a few glaces at Gerard. Though, to be honest the latter came with a feeling of uneasiness.

However, what was thought to be another uneventful part of lunch would turn out to be anything but.

“I’ll be right back, okay? Time for a bathroom break.” Frank laughed, walking up from the table.

“Be careful, Frank.” Genevieve whispered to herself. From the corner of her eye she watched Gerard get up and follow after Frank. She knew bad things were about to happen.

Meanwhile, when Frank walked into the bathroom the last thing he expected was for Gerard to come stampeding in seconds later. It was safe to say he also didn’t expect Gerard to promptly push his lips onto Franks and passionately begin to kiss them.

Frank should have known to always expect the unexpected.

Frank was just about to loose himself completely to Gerard, the passion was almost overwhelming. However, that was the exact moment Gerard chose to break away from Frank.

“Who’s that girl sitting with you?” Gerard asked, his voiced laced with venom and jealousy.

“A friend.”

“A girlfriend?” Had the venom increased in his voice?

“Well if you mean a friend that’s a girl.” Frank answered smugly.

“Frank….” Gerard started, all anger replaced with pain. “I thought… you loved me.”

“Gerard. Number one, she is just a friend, I promise you that. Number two, you’re married so don’t even start on me. And number three, I do love you, don’t be stupid.”

“You’re an asshole, you know that Frank?” Gerard screamed in reply, stomping out of the bathroom.

Frank simply stood in the bathroom baffled. “What the fuck did I do this time?”
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hope you enjoyed. :)

four more left. xx.