The Christmas Angel

The Day Has Arrived.

A week had passed. A depressing, slow, lonely week. Gerard had stopped talking to Frank ever since the restaurant “incident” and Genevieve had all but disappeared.

It was safe to say Frank wasn’t exactly in the Christmas spirit. Yet he put on his bravest face, for who he did not know.

However, today was the day he had been dreading – Christmas.

Frank didn’t know how to deliver Gerard’s present due to the lack of communication between the two, but he knew he had to do it. So,with a hope and a prayer, Frank made his way to Gerard’s room and knocked softly on the door.

Gerard promptly opened the door with a sleepy – yet very sexy- look on his face. “What do you need Frank?”

“Merry Christmas.” Frank quickly replied while forcefully shoveing his present into Gerard’s hands.

“I… uhh… thanks, Frank.” Gerard answered simply.

With a nod, Frank walked away and locked himself in his room, not even waiting to see Gerard’s reaction. All Frank felt like doing was dying, how could he embarrass himself like that?

After a few silent moments, Frank heard the same, almost nonexistent, knocking on his door that he had done to Gerard's, not ten minutes prior. On the other end of the door Frank could hear some sniffling as well, had Gerard been crying? Trying to get the uncomfortable scene that was about to happen over with, Frank opened the door to see exactly what he was expecting – A red eyed, sniffling, Gerard.

“What’s wrong Gerard?” Frank asked…or meant to ask if Gerard hadn’t cut Frank off by hugging him as tight as he could.

“Oh thank you for the wonderful gift Frank. I’ve never gotten something so nice. I love it.” Gerard said between sniffles.

“I’m glad.” Frank replied with a laugh. “Truthfully I didn’t think you’d like it.”

“Oh, Frank, I do, I absolutly love it ! But, I can’t accept it.” Gerard sadly mumbled.

“Why the fuck not?” Frank asked, trying his hardest to hide his hurt.

“Well, I’ve been such an ass to you, Frank, and what do you do?You buy me a wonderful, amazing, Christmas gift.” Tears now quickly ran down Gerard's face, it was hard to hold them back.

“Gerard, its fine, seriously, I don't care, but I have to ask. What got you so mad?”

“The… the fact that you were with someone other then me – girl or boy, it didn't matter-, I couldn’t stand it. The thought totally drove me crazy. Because, truthfully Frank…. Frank, I think I love you.”

“I love you too, Gerard." Frank had so much to tell Gerard, yet this was all he got out for Gerard’s lips met his own at that moment, cutting Frank off and making both of their hormones go into a frenzy.

“Close the door!” Gerard moaned between kisses. “Shut it fast!”

Frank simply did as Gerard commanded, and continued to mesh his tongue with Gerard’s. He then began to grind on the older man, making them both “happier” by the moment.

“Frank.” Gerard said, pulling away. “You know, I’ve never felt this… before, not even with my own wife.”

“Felt what?” Frank asked, extremely perplexed.

“I’m not sure. It feels better then every good feeling in the world. I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Oh that? That’s love, it's what it feels like. And you know what, I feel it too.”

“Show me how much you love me then Frank.” Gerard purred. “Let me go inside you. I need to feel myself inside you. “

“I thought you’d never ask.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what comes next, darlings. ;D.