The Christmas Angel

An Everlasting Love.

Ripping each others clothes off piece by piece, the two men lovingly stared at each other’s bodies; it was safe to say neither had been hornier in their entire lives. Frank felt dull pain throbbing in his penis from simply kissing Gerard, he didn’t know how we was supposed to last.

“Now, I take it you’re not new to this, are you?” Gerard murmured sensually in Frank’s ear. Frank, who was too turned on to even speak, quietly nodded in reply. He was probably the furthest thing from a virgin, but had Gerard ever been inside a man before?

Trying to muster up the strength to speak, Frank began to mumble. After several tries however, his question began to come out. “Have you… have you ever had sex with a guy before, Gerard? You know anal is different then....”

Gerard spoke before Frank could even finish. “I’m not so innocent you know.”

That simple sentence and a very sexy wink made Frank even hornier -if that was even possible- and words were once again impossible. Frank could only imagine the pleasure he was about to receive.

“I’m gonna prep you now, is that okay?” Gerard asked in a child-like manner, making Frank smile.

“More then okay.” Frank wheezed.

Gerard began prepping Frank, making small scissor like motions to loosen him and soften the sting of the penis that would soon be entering his small body. Slowly at first, but soon the small motions grew in speed and force, making it harder and harder for Frank to stifle his moans.

After a few minutes, Frank was sufficiently loose and Gerard substituted his fingers for his dick, making both parties smile in happiness, lust, and love. Then he slowly moved back and forth waiting for the word from Frank to do as he pleased.

Another moment was all Frank needed, after all he had many experiences with his vibrator. Gerard began to thrust, positioning himself differently each time until he hit Frank’s prostate. When his hard on finally did strike Frank's prostate, he simply shook with pleasure, this had to be the best moment in his entire life.

Both men came a few minutes later, within seconds of each other. Ending the best sex either men had ever had, or could ever imagine.

“Gerard…” Frank simply began.

“Yes, Frank?” Gerard replied, trying to hide his goofy grin – the one that matched Franks.

“I love you.”

Gerard then started to kiss and fondle Frank’s still naked body. His love for Frank had to be shown before it could be said.

Unfortunately because the men were lost in love, neither man heard the handle on the door start to rattle. Neither man expected what would happen next.

“Frank, sorry to bother you, but have you seen my husband?” The voice of Lindsey Way entered the room.

The door then fully opened, and it was if the earth had stopped rotating. In Frank’s mind it did, his entire world had stopped and shattered.

“Oh shit.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this chapter is shitty >.<. I've never written a sex scene before to be honest. ^^;

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