The Christmas Angel


All that could be heard was a shriek. A shriek so loud people around the world covered their ears and cringed. You could just hear the pain and hurt in the yell, and it killed Frank to know he was the cause of it. Lindsey was never Frank’s favorite person but no one deserved to see their husband cheating on them, with another man to say the least.

Even if it did feel so good…

Frank looked back and forth from Gerard to Lindsey. Fear and guilt were etched all over Gerard’s face, but not regret – Frank couldn’t help but feel smug about that. Lindsey’s face looked ten times worse, it had ten different emotions showing on it, and not one of them was good.

No one spoke a word, and the unspeakable tension rose every second. Frank knew what he had to do. He had to set the whole situation straight. He had to say the name he now knew so well. “Genevieve"

All it took was the blink of an eye for the beautiful angel to appear in front Frank, Gerard, and Lindsey. Frank could practically hear the shouts about to come from the room’s other occupants. However, before a single thing could be muttered from either Gerard or Lindsey, Frank spoke up first.

“I wish everything would just stop!” Frank screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Your wish is granted.” Frank couldn’t even bring himself to care what Gerard and Lindsey had seen just a few minutes before. He knew it wouldn’t matter, everything was about to be fixed. But now all he needed was a listening ear.

“I messed up real bad, Gen.” Frank shamefully admitted.

Genevieve responded in her carefree laugh. “I know you did, Frank. Big time.”

“Could things have turned out any differently?” Frank inquired.

“Of course things could have. Everything always can.” An odd look then overcame Genevieve’s beautiful face. A look Frank knew very well - a look of longing. “I really wish it could have. I really tried…”

“You know, Gen, I really love you. Frank said with the upmost honesty. “You’re a great person, and maybe if the situation was dif.” A finger then was placed on Frank’s lips, Genevieve’s finger to be precise.

“Thank you, Frank. Let’s leave it at that.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Second to last chapter ;-;!

The last chapter will be posted soon- possibly even today- but it will be no later then monday.

My birhday is tuesday and I want to end my 16th year with this story finished ! xD