The Christmas Angel

The End.

Looking around Gerard’s house one final time made Frank tear up. This wouldn’t be the last time he would be in this house, but this is the last time he would be in the house after “what could have been”.

“I’ll really miss you, Gerard.” Frank cried next to his lover’s frozen in time body. Frank felt as if he was at a funeral, he knew this wasn’t supposed to be the end, but all he could feel was loss.

“Hey, Gen, I have a great idea!” Frank suddenly yelled with excitement. “I can just wish Lindsey away! "


“Or not... but I knew that.” Frank chuckled softly. “Genevieve, what am I gonna do without you?”

“Gerard of course.” Genevieve joked, resulting in the two of them laughing uncontrollably.

However, suddenly a horrible thought crossed Frank’s mind. If he needed to know anything about this whole experience it had to be this, it had to be cleared up.

“After I make this wish, does this mean Gerard and I never really did have sex!?!” Frank hollered a few decibels louder then he had meant to.

“Oh… I.., I’ll look into it.” Genevieve mumbled, for in truth she had no clue. “Are you ready, Frank?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Frank sighed.

“Goodbye, Gerard, I love you. Thank you for loving me.” Frank whimpered, trying his hardest to hold back his tears. “Goodbye, Lindsey, thanks for hum, nothing.”

Then, Frank finally embraced Genevieve tightly and let a few tears escape. “Goodbye, Gen, I’ll miss you the most. Thank you for being there for me, thank you for everything.

So many things could have happened at that exact moment. Choices could have been made –selfish and otherwise- but Frank knew what he had to do. Frank did the only thing that was right for everyone
“I wish I was back right before I met Genevieve. I wish we never ended up meeting, and I wish my life could take the course it was supposed to take without her interference… but don’t let me ever forget her, or this amazing experience.”

“Your wish is granted.”



Time was all Frank needed. They say it heals all wounds. Well, time mixed with a cold beer, and a few cigarettes could anyway.

It was almost Christmas. A nice break away from the world would do Frank good. He could forget the love him and Gerard had felt. He could forget about Genevieve, his one true friend.

He had too.

Deep in thought and remembrance, Frank almost didn’t hear Gerard call out too him from a few feet away. “Frankie?”

“Oh!” Frank yelped, shocked to see the familiar face. “Hey there, Gee, what’s up?”

“Hey… Frank I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And this is the end, the end my friends.


Message me everyone, tell me if you'd like a sequel or how you felt about this story. :D

I love every one of my readers, you guys mean the world to me.

Until next time -alliiers.