The Christmas Angel

What the !?!

“What the…” Frank got interrupted.

“Don’t finish that.” The angel put up her hand. “I just told you. I’m a Christmas angel and I’m here to give you the best Christmas ever.”

“You’re lying.” Frank replied. “Don’t bullshit me.”

“I’m not.” The angel chuckled making her blonde hair sway in all places. “I’m Genevieve by the way so you can stop calling me “that angel.”

“But I didn’t call you anything!”

“Not out loud you mean. I can read your mind, it makes it easier to know if your wishes are goodhearted.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Frank inquired.

“Well, you see I can grant you any wish you want until 11:59 Christmas night, but it needs to have a good intention.” Genevieve explained.

“Which means?”

“No harming people, like wishing them dead. No disasters. Nothing mean basically.” Genevieve smiled.

“Well why are you even here? Why do I need a Christmas angel?” Frank depressingly asked.

“Because everyone needs a little help sometimes, Frankie."

“Then prove to me you’re magic.” Frank demanded.

“Wish for it.”

“I wish Genevieve could prove to me she was magic.” Rolling his eyes, Frank wished.

Closing her eyes a white light surrounded Genevieve. Then wings popped out of her back and her normal clothes changed into white robes.

“Well I don’t really like this look that much but…” She commented.

“Wait.” Frank stopped. “Do you mean that you can just walk around the streets like a normal person if you want?”

“Of course silly. Angels are all around you. You just need to look.”

“I have to be dreaming.” Frank sighed.

“You’re not ! I promise. Make a wish!” Genevieve said excitedly. “I can’t wait to see what you wish for!”

“Well truthfully there’s only thing I really want…” Frank admitted.

“Which is?” Genevieve edged.

“For Gerard Arthur Way to love me. For him to truly love me with all his heart and show it to me.” Frank said. “I want him to be mine, and I want to be his. That is my wish.”

“Well, that truly is goodhearted. Everyone deserves to be loved.” Genevieve answered. “Your wish is granted. Call me again when you need me!”

“What do you mean? You’re not gonna stay?” Frank asked.

But instead of a reply he got a *pop* and Genevieve was gone. However replaced with Genevieve’s disappearance was a set of footsteps.

“Frankie?” Gerard questioned from about ten feet away.

“Oh!” Frank yelped. “Hey there, Gee.”

“Hey… Frank I was wondering if you wanted to spend Christmas with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update for the night. Morning?

I don't know all I know is that I'm watchign Jerry Springer at 2:32am on Christmas morning.
