The Christmas Angel

It Really Is Happening.

Frank couldn’t reply. He was shocked. Was his love really asking him to spend Christmas with him? It was too good to be true. He had plans to thank Genevieve big time next time he saw her.

“Helloooo?” Gerard waved his hand in front of Frank. “Frank, are you there?”

“Oh yeah.” Frank answered getting snapped back into reality. “What caused this invite?”

“Well, I thought about our conversation or rather fight from before, and I realized that I didn’t want you to spend Christmas alone, I wanted you to spend it with me!”

“Well.” Frank inwardly smiled. “I can’t refuse a request like that.”

“Oh good!” Gerard looked honestly relieved. “We leave on Friday.”

Frank nodded. He had just four days until he got to spend the holidays with Gerard. Forget any presents Santa would leave under the tree, this was better then any present ever. It was like magic. Hell, Frank was willing to admit it, it was magic.

“Well, I leave you to pack.” Gerard smiled… seductively.

Wait, seductively? Did Frank imagine that, or was his wish already coming true?

Frank blushed. “I can’t wait.”

“Me neither, Frankie. There’s no one I’d rather spend Christmas with then you.”

It was obvious that Frank felt the same, he decided not to make it verbal though. He would just stay quiet and hopefully wait for Friday. It couldn’t come fast enough…


…And it didn’t the past four days were torture for Frank. He played horrible at the concerts, he barely talked on the bus. All he could think about was the long plane ride with Gerard and the days that followed, and now that the day was here Frank just couldn’t be more nervous.

“Aren’t you excited, Frankie?” Gerard asked when they walked into the airport terminal.

“Yeah.” Frank replied honestly. “But for different reasons from you I bet. You can’t wait to spend the time with Lindsey…”

“No.” Gerard interrupted. “I want to spend the time with you.”

Frank was speechless. “Excuse me?” He stuttered.

“I want to spend the time with you, Frankie.” Gerard said. “I lo… You’re my best friend.”

Frank felt like screaming to Gerard. I love you too, Gee. I love you so much it hurts, and during these few weeks I will show you that. Even if I need a little help to show you…

“Same here.” Frank simply replied. More then you’ll ever know.