The Christmas Angel

Home Sweet Home ?

A long plane ride and two hours in a crowded airport later, Gerard and Frank stood outside of the airport, waiting for Gerard’s wife to pick them up.

“Is she gonna be here soon, Gerard?” Frank wined like a child. “My feet huuuuuurt.”

“Yeah, I think she got lost or something.” Gerard said distantly.

“Do you miss her?” Frank suddenly inquired. He needed to know if this whole vacation was even worth pursing.

“Well.” Gerard pondered. “I’m not really sure. I mean I guess I do… but my mind is wrapped around someone else.”

“Oh?” Frank smiled. “Who?”

Gerard blushed in reply. “Someone amazing.”

“Well if it helps any, my mind is wrapped around someone pretty amazing too. So I know what you’re going through.” Frank helplessly flirted.

Gerard looked shocked. “Did you finally find a girl you like?”

Frank honestly didn’t know how to reply. Of course they’re always the option of lying, but then it would throw of his chance with Gerard and this was the one shot he had to be with Gerard. He just couldn’t screw it up. Then on the other hand he could tell truth but he would have to be an idiot to do that.

However a loud beep interrupted Frank’s internal dilemma. A black car drove up, and it’s driver was none other then Gerard’s wife, Lindsey.

“Hey boys.” She greeted happily. “Get in! Sorry, I’m late.”

“Oh it’s no problem babe.” Gerard kissed his wife. “We we’re talking so we really didn’t even notice.”

“That’s good.” She replied. “How are you, Frank?”

“Fine.” Frank said rather rudely. For in truth he couldn’t stand Lindsey. He couldn’t stand anything about her. She stole his Gerard. She was a bitch.

“Good, good.” Lindsey replied with as much venom as Frank did. There was an uneasiness in the car. Frank didn’t care though, he was only in this car for one person and it sure wasn’t her.

“So…” Gerard tried lighting up the mood. “Babe, the airport was so crowded.”

“Really?” She asked, though Frank thought she really didn't care.

“Yeah, wasn’t it, Frankie?”

“Mhm.” Frank answered, though he wasn’t paying attention. His mind was too filled with daydreams of Gerard and himself. Oh how he wished it could become reality.

“We’re here!” Lindsey screamed happily some time later.

“Home sweet home.” Gerard sighed contently, looking at his house.

Frank looked around disorientedly. He realized he must have fallen asleep because he couldn’t remember the last twenty minutes and he was now supporting a pretty large boner.

“You coming, Frank?” Gerard asked from a few feet away from the car.

“Be right there!” Frank yelled, realizing how hard of a time this Christmas would be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the filler. But ya know, they needed to get to the house somewhere, right?

:P - allie.