The Christmas Angel

Cause Talk Is Cheap.

Frank awoke with a jolt. He could recall hearing a door slam but not much else.

“What’s going on?” Frank yawned to himself.

Obviously not hearing a reply, Frank started waking himself up. He was defiantly going to make the most of today.
All Frank could hear is silence. Anyone could safely say it was a little more then eerie.

“What the fuck have I been thinking?” Frank sighed. “I could have just went home and saw mom, instead I’m here chasing a stupid dream. I’m so stupid.”

“Why are you stupid?” A low sleepy voice asked from outside of the room. “You’re not stupid.”

“What? Gerard?” Frank questioned. “How long have you been here?”

The door opened slowly, slowly revealing a shirtless Gerard. “Only about twenty seconds.” He answered honestly.

“Oh, good. What did you need?” Frank tried to ask casually.

“Well, nothing really. Lindsey left to go food shopping and I missed you.” Gerard laughed.
“Mmk.” Frank patted his bed. “Sit.”

Gerard did as he was instructed and sat next to Frank.

“Whatcha’ want to do?” Frank asked nervously. He was never nervous talking to Gerard.

“Can we just… talk?” Gerard questioned.
“Of course.” Frank smiled.

Though it was only small talk, it was meaningful to both men. This is what friendship meant, enjoying even small talk with each other. However after only forty minutes, Gerard’s true intention came out.

“Frank?” Gerard asked after a stupid conversation about circus animals.

“Yeah?” Frank laughed assuming Gerard was about to make a joke.

“Please don’t hate me.” He said mysteriously.

“Now how could I hate.” Frank couldn’t finish his sentence for he got interrupted by Gerard’s lips crashing into his own.

There were a million questions going through Frank’s mind at that moment. However, Frank ignored every single one of them and continued to kiss Gerard back, harder then he’d ever kissed anyone before. This was amazing. This was the man Frank loved, sucking face with him, and now that Frank had him he was never letting go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short.


But obviously the story is gonna heat up now.
