The Christmas Angel

Well, I Want Him Here.

Frank sat in his room until he was positive the coast was clear. He couldn’t have his “relationship” end with Gerard now, it hadn’t even started! It would even be a bigger kick in the face if it ended because of the witch downstairs. That was not happening.
All Frank had wanted to do this morning was sleep of the rest of his previous tour off, however his now rumbling stomach and adrenaline high had put an end to that. So settling his hunger problem, Frank decided to walk downstairs with Mr. and Mrs. Way.

“I don’t want him here.” Frank heard a voice whisper, making him stop in his tracks. “Why isn’t he at home with his own family on Christmas?”

“Because.” Frank heard another voice whisper. “He has nowhere else to go. Plus, I invited him here, I want him here.”

Frank heard a sigh of frustration. “Okay, Gerard. Whatever you want.”

Footsteps then sounded as if they were coming right towards Frank. Which was a good possibility considering Frank was just on the other side of the stairwell from where the footsteps were coming from. Instead of running upstairs however, Frank maintained his posture and decided to pretend that he was just walking down the stairs.

“Oh !” Gerard blushed when he turned the corner, coming face to face with Frank . “Didn’t expect you to be here.”

“Ha, yeah.” Frank laughed nervously. “Sorry about that.”

“What did you need?” Gerard asked anxiously, he tried his best not to sound rude.

“I was hungry.” Frank admitted. “You wouldn’t mind if I had some cereal or something would you?”

“Nope, let me show you the way.” Gerard began to pull Frank, hopefully in the right direction.

“Right here.” Gerard finally stopped. “What kind of cereal do you want?”

“Do you have Apple Jacks?” Frank asked. “I’m really in the mood for them.”

“Err, Lindsey do we have Apple Jacks?” Gerard called out to no direction in particular.

“Gerard, it’s fine.” Frank said. “I have money I’ll go out to a diner or something.”

“Oh! Okay.” Gerard smiled. “Sorry I forget where everything is. Do you mind if I come with you?

Frank laughed in reply. “Of course you can come.”

Then the two men set of to the diner, both secretly dying to be together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Err. It's been awhile hasn't it?


Just be happy that I keep having snowdays xD