The Christmas Angel

Wake Up!

Frank put his head on the table realizing he wasn’t that hungry after all, he was still just really tired.

“Did you two handsome men decide what you want yet?” The waitress tried flirting with them for the fifth time this morning. Frank would bet his left arm she was a fan of the band.

“Frank, are you ready?” Gerard asked the man across from him.

“Sure, I’ll have err, pancakes.” He told Gerard rather then the waitress.

“What kind?” She asked.

“Whatever, plain.” Frank replied laying his head back down.

Gerard laughed. “I’ll have that too. And more coffee please.”

“Sure thing!” She replied a little too happily.

“What’s wrong with you, Frank?” Gerard asked, full of concern.

Frank sighed. “Nothing, just really tired I can’t seem to wake up.”

“Oh? Well I know the best way to wake you up.” Gerard began to smirk.


Gerard’s smirk grew wider and wider as he answered. “Go to the bathroom in five minutes and I’ll show you.”

It would be kind to say Frank blushed at that comment because in reality he looked like a cherry red tomato. “Oh... kay.”

“See you in five.” Gerard said seductively, walking into the men’s room.

“What the fuck.” Frank muttered when Gerard was out of sight. “Am I fucking crazy?”

A cool breeze went across Frank’s arm letting him know Genevieve was there, most likely saying yes. Knowing at least he had his angel friend by his side, Frank then nervously walked into the men’s room Gerard was currently in.

Frank knew he could at least cling to the knowledge that while he may not be positive what would happen in there, it would be something he dreamt of for a long, long time.
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Any guesses what's next? ;)

No boysex yet though, a little early for that dontcha think?

..... don't answer that. xD