Every Night You Ask Me to Come Over

I wish you, I wish you were here.

The next morning I woke up around eleven. Most of the guys were out to breakfast, but Jonathan was sleeping next to me. How he got there was beyond me. Caleb probably woke up early and offered to drive, I’m not really sure, but we were parked in front of iHop. I was debating going in or just staying in the car, I was really comfy. I decided my hunger overcame my desire to be comfortable. I didn’t change into normal clothes, except I did steal Kyle’s sweatshirt, I just pulled my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and walked into iHop. I quickly found everyone in iHop, they were seated at a big booth and once they saw me, yelled my name. I took a seat next to Austin and rested my head against his shoulder. “Sleepy?” He asked. I mumbled something and he just laughed. “We just ordered so I’ll get the waiter over here for you.” He told me. I just nodded. “What do you want?” He asked trying to get me to say something. I shrugged, which caused him to laugh. He then started listing off the menu until I nodded. I ended up getting pancakes and a piece of toast. After we ate, we ordered pancakes to go for Jonathan since he still wasn’t up yet.
When we got back to the van I was bored so I decided to wake Jonathan up. Caleb was sitting in the front by Austin, so I was in the back seat all alone with sleeping beauty. “Jonathan! Wake up!!” I said jumping on him. “I’m bored!! Jonathan!!” I said jumping on him again. He slowly started to open his eyes, “Hm?” He mumbled.
”I’m bored!” I whined.
“So you had to wake me up?” he sounded kind of cranky.
“Yes…?” I asked more than said.
“How about I put in a movie and you can watch that while I sleep?” he said compromising with me.
“Umm…I guess.” I had never seen him this tired.
“Okay, Kyle, can you pass me the movies?” Jonathan asked still sleepy. “There,” He said as he handed them to me.
“Thank you!” I said happily. I decided to watch The Dark Knight since it was my favorite movie and Emma wanted to watch it, so we forced Kyle to the back seat and I sat by Emma and we contently watched the movie until we arrived at the venue. Same routine as yesterday, Emma and I would set up merch booth during sound check, we’d go get food, and then while the guys were socializing, Emma and I would go get ready and do hair and make-up in the van or venue bathroom. Today since we didn’t get to shower last night, I put my hair in braided pig-tails. Emma and I then applied our make up and went back out to the booth. On our way to the venue we saw Kent and Marc talking to fans. We still had awhile to wait so we decided, even if the fans would be mad at us, to attack Kent and Marc. Emma and I both went up behind them and jumped on their backs. They were shocked, but relieved when they saw it was us. “Hey guys!” Marc said to Emma and I as they said goodbye to their fans and ran off with us still on there backs.
“HEY!” We said back. You see, Emma and I decided to have coffee earlier, which was not a good idea. Emma was semi-calm on coffee, but I couldn’t handle it. I get very hyper for about 4 hours and have no crash. “Did you guys have coffee?” Kent said as they put us both down. Emma and I glanced at each other innocently and shrugged.
“Maybe…” I said before laughing hysterically at nothing.
“AUSTIN!” Marc yelled. I stopped laughing immediately. Austin didn’t let me have coffee, because he knows what it does to me. Emma and I started to run away and into the venue. Kent and Marc just looked at each other and laughed.
The doors opened later, and Emma had calmed down, I unfortunately had not. I texted Jonathan again before the show so I would have someone to be hyper with.
JONATHAN!! I had coffee!! was all I had to text him. I felt it was all that was necessary.
Oh god! Haha. What am I supposed to do? He replied.
I don’t know?! Tell me a story?! Whenever I was bored I had Jonathan tell me a story.
Okay, once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Holly. She was on tour with these cool kids named Jonathan, Caleb, Kent, Austin, Marc and Kyle. And they were the best band ever. She was there merch girl and she was pretty awesome. And one time she liked this guy named Caleb, and he liked her back, but they were both to stupid to tell each other. So Caleb wrote her a song, but she would never know it was about her. The End. :D
Wow Jonathan, not your best story.
Maybe that’s because it wasn’t a story my love. What did Jonathan mean by this?
Nothing, look I got to go get ready for the show! Bye!
Jonathan Samuel Cook tell me what you mean right now mister!
Can’t talk :P
I showed Emma what Jonathan texted me and we tried to figure out what he meant by that. In the end we decided it was just Jonathan being Jonathan. I never could understand that guy.
The show started again and FTSK played amazing. We didn’t find any girls as fun as Isabelle during this show. Some guys hit on us after the show again, only this time they came on a lot stronger. At the same moment, Caleb and Kyle noticed what happened and decided to save our butts. Caleb came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, he also placed a small kiss on my cheek. Kyle attacked Emma in a hug from the side. “What’s going on here?” Kyle asked. The creepers instantly got the message and left us alone. “Thank you!” I said as I turned to hug Caleb.
“Anytime.” He said smiling.
”How did you guys know?” I asked curious.
“You looked scared, and they looked like pervs.” Kyle explained.
Emma and I gave the guys another hug and walked back to the bus. The show was over and the guys had to stay and talk to there fans for a little while. Emma and I got settled into our normal spots and went on our laptops, while the guys socialized. I saw I had one unread message, from Gabe. I also had a few comments, friend requests, and picture comments. I checked the message from Gabe first,
Hey sweetie!
I’ve been pretty good, but bored without you and now Emma!!
I know you’re on tour! How exciting!! Don’t hook-up with any guys! ;D
Yes, you are right it will worry me, but I’m glad you told me. DO NOT apologize for that. I understand. It did scare me, but it also brought us so much closer. And do not feel bad, I really do understand. It is okay, but are you?
You’re welcome! :D and thank YOU for being such an amazing friend to me!
I love you and miss you too! xoxox

Hearing from him made me feel so much better, but also it made me realize how much I missed him, but I had a plan to fix that. I had an extra room in my house, so I was gonna see if it was possible somehow for him to move down here with me. His parents would let him, they were awesome. I wrote back.
Haha sorry for stealing her, but I thought I could steal you do. I have about 50 empty rooms in my house… I was wondering if you and Emma, even though she doesn’t know about it yet, wanted to move in with me? My parents wouldn’t care, and it would be sooooo fun!!! Think about it please? I’m on tour until August so you have a couple weeks.
I am okay don’t worry, I’m doing great. There might be a potential boy, but I’m not sure yet.
Message me back soon!! xoxox
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Title taken from Hey Monday, Wish You Were Here, in honor of there new EP being released today!
subscriptions/comments are greatly appreciated <3