Status: Complete

I Never Meant to Hurt You


Jared’s P.O.V

I opened my eyes unsurely noticing that Paty wasn’t in bed. I noticed the bathroom’s light was on but the door was slightly open. I got out of bed and I pushed the door open carefully to find Paty sitting next to the toilet, sweating and looking sleepy.

“No more Mexican for me.” She laughed.

“How do you feel?” I asked kneeling beside her brushing her hair out of her face as she leaned her head inside the toilet throwing up again.

“Not good.” She replied her eyes watering from the pain her stomach was probably making her feel.

“Tea?” I asked.

“You know I ate tea…” Paty said shooting her head back.

“My stomach’s empty.” She informed and she placed her arm gently around my neck as I pulled her up and picked her in my arms.

Always light as a feather I thought as I laid her down carefully, she looked pale and I didn’t like this one bit. I lay next to her, she snuggled close to me and she fell asleep in seconds. I woke up with the sun shining brightly, I looked at the clock and it marked 11:35 am, I kissed Paty’s lips softly and I got up carefully trying to not wake her up.

Paty’s P.O.V

“Jay…” I mumbled opening my eyes slowly.

My stomach didn’t hurt anymore and it was begging for food but I had a strong headache to deal with. I sat on the bed as Jared entered the bedroom with a tray of food.

“Morning.” He smiled.

“Morning.” I said more cheerfully as Jared placed the tray in front of me and kissed my lips sweetly.

“Feeling better?” He asked his eyes studying my face.

“Yes, thank you.” I said peeking at the tray to see what he had brought.

“Orange juice!” I said happily practically drinking the whole glass in a sip.

“Paty?” Jared asked half-laughing as he ate his own bread.
“What?” I said licking my upper lip and then grabbing the bread in front of my eyes.

“I’m hungry!” I said smiling as I started eating the bread like crazy.

“Okay… Ready to pack some clothes?” Jared asked staring at me.

“Yes, I’m so excited.” I said smiling.

After breakfast, I took a backpack and I started filling it with some tops, t-shirts and three pairs of jeans. I would be out for like 6 days and the last would be the definite party to finish the week perfectly. Although there was almost two weeks left for the wedding ceremony I was having my bachelor party right now because of the festival me and the girls were attending.

“Will you cheat the mighty bachelor rule?” I asked.

“Maybe.” Jared said handing me a purple t-shirt smirking.

“I hope so.” I laughed.

“What will you do these days?” I asked.

“Work. Party. Not sleep.” He said chuckling.

“You better sleep because if I even dream that you’ve become a living zombie I’ll come back to beat you.” I threatened as Jared’s arms went around my waist pulling me closer to him.

“Alright I promise I’ll sleep.” Jared said reassuring me.

“You better.” I said smiling as my phone started vibrating in my pants.

“Hi honey.” I said recognizing Jo’s voice immediately.

“We’re almost at your house.” She announced.

“Okay, I’m going down. See ya girls in a minute.” I said then I hang up.

“I gotta go.” I said half sadly.

“I know, have fun.” Jared said leaning forward so his lips touched mine passionately.

“I’ll miss you.” I said as I stepped back never letting go of his hand.

“I’ll miss you too. I love you.” Jared said pushing right back kissing me gently.

“I love you too.” I said finally having the guts to wave at him and leave.

“Girls!” I yelled entering the back joining, Bia and Amy.

“Romeo at the window!” Jo announced placing her head out of the window waving.

I put my head out too to see Jared waving at us from the window. I waved back blowing him kiss earning a bunch of ‘awes’, I laughed as I smacked Jo’s shoulder playfully.

“Bring her safe.” Jared yelled.

“We will Mr. Husband.” Carly said smiling.

“Have fun.” Jared waved as he slowly disappeared.

“PARTY!” I yelled as the music went so loud that everyone around us could hear.

After about two hours of driving we arrived at the two stored apartment.

“Whoa… Amy are you sure your dad’s okay with this?” I asked carrying my backpack.

“Don’t worry hun, it’s all cool.” She assured me starting to show me around.

“So there are 2 rooms, the attic and the living room.” Amy announced as we all sat on the different couches and in the floor.

“We are ten girls. So there can be like 3 in the room, 4 in the attic and another 3 in the living room.” Jo suggested.

“Yeah hun that’s a good distribution but you can change and sleep wherever you want.” Amy said smiling.

“Can we eat now?” I asked through the silence.

~~6 pm~~

“Let’s go!” I said excitedly as we went by foot to the festival sense it was just a few miles away.

I was wearing a black top with a white pair of wings draw in the back, a pair of skinny white jeans and some vans with weird art work in them.

“Who are seeing tonight again?” Nessa asked fixing her hair for the fifth time that night.

“The Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, Mika and…” Claudia started.

“The Ting Tings!” I completed her sentence jumping around energetically making them all giggle.

We arrived soon after and the first we did was to get some beers and get a good spot, not too in the front just enough to have space for everyone to sing along, jump and see properly. After Lady Gaga was The Tings Tings.

“That’s not my name!” I yelled singing as I noticed a group of guys looking at us.

“Those are cute.” Carly noticed.

“Carly!” I said just staring at her trying not to laugh.

“We’re like 10 girls.” Bia said.

“And they’re like 20 guys from somewhere.” I laughed swinging my arm around her as “We Walk” started and we sang along.

“Jesus I need a break.” I announced sitting on the floor after clapping as The Ting Tings left.

“Paty want some?” Amy asked sitting beside me handing me a slice of pizza.

“Where did you get this?” I asked biting it.

“I bought a familiar sized pizza, everyone looks starving.” Amy said smiling.

She was always the most motherly of all the girls but that me like her even more.

Jared’s P.O.V

I wondered if Paty was okay, after all she had threw up last night and she seemed to be as good as new which wasn’t normal, I thought she would be complaining and just wanting to be in bed like she did when she got sick. She always over reacted. Suddenly someone knocked on the door taking me from my thoughts, I knew who it was so I opened the door without hesitation.

“Hey man.” Shannon greeted grinning as he showed the beers in his hands proudly.

“Hey bro.” I greeted laughing letting him pass.

“What’s up?” He asked sitting on the couch.

“I’m feeling funny, I haven’t been alone in ages.” I said shaking my head.

“You?” I asked.

“Having twins can tire a man but seeing them grow with each day makes me smile.” Shannon said speaking towards the ceiling like if he was just talking to himself.

“Where are they?” I asked sitting on the other couch.

“Over at Jo’s mom.” Shannon answers obviously not very happy with the situation.

“What about you? Already missing Paty?” He teased.

“No I’m just worried. She felt sick last night and this morning she ate like nothing had happened.” I said as Shannon laughed.

“Paty is really one of a kind. Wasn’t she all worried about getting sick and stuff? She should probably want to stay in bed and drink tea…” He said.

“She hates tea and besides she’s been looking up for this festival for months.” I said.

“Have you talked to him?” Shannon asked smiling.

“Tomorrow. Do you think she'll like the idea?” I said sighing.

“Of course she will man!” Shannon said more cheerfully.

Paty’s P.O.V

It was already about 2 pm and The Black Eyed Peas were about to sing their last song “I gotta a feeling”, I placed my arm around Jo’s shoulder and I leaned against her ear.

“We gotta rock! IT’S OUR SONG!” I yelled as Will.I.Am thanked the crowd and they all started dancing and singing.

After about half an hour we were all walking to back to Amy’s and I was dying to get into a comfy bed.

“Paty!” Lilly yelled from behind.

“What?” I yelled back.

“I gotta feeling!” She started singing as I started clapping.

“That tonight’s gonna be a good night! That tonight’s gonna be a good night!” I sang as we were all clapping and laughing at each other.

I looked up to face the stars and I smiled wondering what I would feel when I exited the church holding Jared’s hand being oficially Mrs. Jared Leto.
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Hi everyone! I'm sorry for taking so long but I was a week out. I think this chapter can be considered a filler chapter mostly, there's something in it that doesn't make me fully happy but on well.

Please comment!