Status: Complete

I Never Meant to Hurt You


Shannon’s P.O.V

“Hey guys who’s with Paty?” I asked while Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob sat on their bus couches.

“Frankie on some weird skittle trip.” Gerard laughed.

“Then I guess, you guys deserve to know the truth.” I said and then Jared appeared.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Gerard yelled getting up.

“Hi Gee.” Jared said. His beard was bigger, he was a little more tanned but his eyes couldn’t lie, this was Jared Leto.

“Dude! You were dead?” Ray spat.

“I had to pretend for Paty’s safeness.” Jared said.

“Do you have any idea of how hard it was to see her cry?” Mikey said raising his voice.

“I know but I had to!” Jared said.

“You are an asshole!” Gerard yelled.

“Hey! Shut up!” I yelled at him. It was hard enough for Jared to be telling he didn’t need his friends to yell at him.

“He’s telling you the truth so you LISTEN!” I said encouraging Jared to speak.

“My leg was halfed burn and the doctors weren’t sure if I would survive and if I would be able to walk so I pretended to be dead. I couldn’t let her suffer for me, I couldn’t ask her to leave her career, I couldn’t ask her that, never.” Jared said sadness filling his voice.

“Man… this is incredible.” Bob said.

“What now?” Gerard asked obviously upset.

“I have to figure out a way to tell her but you have to keep your mouth shut.” Jared said.

“Alright, we will.” Gerard said coldly.

Jared turned his back to him and we left for the hotel.

“No Jared! Are you crazy?” I asked when we reached our hotel room.

“No! She deserves to know.” Jared said.

We were arguing about Jared appearing in front of Paty, she would faint or something. He had told MCR and they almost killed him specially Gerard, who seemed very strange and let me tell you I’m not an idiot I know exactly that he’s trying to have Paty for himself.

“You can’t just show up.” Tomo said.

“You’re right but I saw her today and I have to be near her, I really have to.” Jared said and he burst out of the hotel room.

“Let’s go.” I said at Tomo taking my cap and putting it in my head running after Jared before he messed even more

Paty’s P.O.V

“Who’s playing tonight?” I asked.

“Bon Jovi.” Ray replied.

“BON JOVI?! Frankie please tell me you got me some tickets!” I said.

“Of course I did! But we can’t go.” Frankie said sadly.

“Don’t worry I’ll go alone.” I smiled at him.

“Shannon and Tomo said they wanted to go so you can spend some time together.” Mikey said.

“Really? AWESOME!” I said excitedly.

“Have fun!” Frankie said getting out of the bus followed by Mikey, Ray and Bob.

“Paty… I’m sorry for what I did.” Gerard said.

“Gee, man you know I adore you but don’t take this to another level.” I told him holding his hand in mine.

“You’re cold.” He said hugging me tightly.

“Thanks man.” I said patting his back while he left smiling at me. Good old Gerard was back.

“PATY!” Shannon yelled. I jumped outside the tour bus to find Shannon and Tomo with a mix of excited and nervous faces.

“Hi!” I said.

“BON JOVI NIGHT!” I yelled excitedly walking with them to the VIP area. Yeah being with a famous drummer and a famous guitar player wasn’t totally nice, we had to pass unnoticed besides my regular image on the magazines as a ‘depressed’ girl who lost her boyfriend and that stuff. I hate when people put their noses in my business!

“I’m getting a beer.” Shannon stated going to the bar making me grin at him.

The show started minutes later with lost of energy but I felt something strange, like being watched.

“What’s wrong sis?” Shannon asked.

“Nothing bro.” I smiled at him.

We kept jumping, singing along Jon Bon Jovi until the show ended.

“Shannon wait I’m getting lost.” I laughed trying to follow Shannon in the middle of all the crowd but I eventually got lost.

I was walking silently to the tour bus when a figure appeared in front of me, so familiar. I stopped to observe it and the person started to walk closer to me, I didn’t move I was too curious to understand what I was doing.

My heart and lungs stopped, my eyes widened, I swear I was about to have a heart attack.

“I’m here, look at me.” The person said taking his hoodie off revealing my blue eyes, Jared Leto.

“Jared?” I said trying to breathe while crying hysterically. Just hearing his voice made me cry.

“I’m dreaming.” I said putting my hands in my head looking at the floor.

“You’re not.” Jared said and he grabbed my face and pulled me to him kissing me passionately.

Suddenly in a second he was gone and I was crying like a baby. Jared? Can’t be…NO! Patrícia stop doing this to yourself!

“Paty… Patrícia!” Shannon said grabbing my arms.

“I SAW HIM...I swear I did! I saw Jared!!” I said crying desperately while Shannon embraced me tightly.

“Calm down.” Shannon said but I began to feel weak.

“Paty?....Patrícia!” Shannon yelled grabbing me before I fell to the ground, my legs had just given up on me.

I felt so weak, I couldn’t hear Shannon anymore and his face was becoming blurry when someone appeared, someone with arms full of tattoos and a serious face I couldn’t forget, Synyster Gates.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright drama time!!

Thanks for the comments :D