A World I Can't Believe

Chapter 1

"Good morning Baltimore, it's a beautiful, sunny Sunday. There's things to do, people to see, and places to go, so if you're still in bed get on up and get moving," the cheesy, overly excited DJ for the local radio station chirped through my alarm clock. I moved slightly, squinting from the sun that peered through my window, and reached to turn the volume down. I rolled over on my back and opened my eyes.

"Mary Ashton," my mother called from the opposite side of my closed bedroom door.

"Yeah mom?" I responded, lazily pushing myself up.

The door opened, revealing my mom. "Robby's here to see you," she smiled and opened the door wider, revealing my boyfriend of six months Robby Cheifland. I smiled to myself as he walked through my room, over to my bed where he sat. I ran my fingers through my auburn hair to try and get the tangles out. My mom shut the bedroom door to give us more privacy.

"Morning beautiful," Robby chirped as he reached for my neck, pulling me into a sweet kiss.

I scoffed. "Please, I look horrible," I said as I tugged at my hair more.

Robby shook his head. "I don't know what you're looking at then." When he said things like that, it sent chills crawling up my spine. Once again, he pulled me close to him, planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Let's go somewhere today. We can get you a new dress for Tommy's party tonight," he said as he went to my closet.

"I still can't believe he's having a party on a school night," I laughed and threw my blankets back and followed him. Robby started looking through my clothes and pulled out a denim mini skirt and a yellow tank top. I smiled as he held them against me and grinned. "You know how Tommy is. He doesn't care when, he just has to have a party. Besides, he has high hopes that someone will actually buy some of his homemade beer this time," he sighed and began to rummage through my shoes.

I took the clothes he'd picked out to my bathroom and turned the water on. I began to strip and pulled my hair high above my head. I felt the water and adjusted the temperature before jumping in and bathing quickly. After scrubbing my body with my dove body wash, I quickly shaved and ran my hands up and down my legs, making sure I hadn't missed a spot. I turned the water off and grabbed my towel, drying my face before everything else. I got dressed and opened my door, finding Robby leaning against the wall.

"I love how you open the door and the smell of heaven pours out," he smiled. I laughed and took my hair down, it falling messily to my shoulders. I picked up my brush and was about to run it through my messy locks when Robby grabbed my hand.

"It seriously looks so cute baby. Keep it like that," he said and took the brush from my hand. I looked in the mirror. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "That's just me though. I like the tousled look on you. Do whatever you want."

I sighed and left my hair like it was. After applying my usual makeup, we left my bathroom so I could get my bag together. As I sifted through gift cards, Robby snaked his arms around my waist and moved the hair from around my neck, kissing the skin with soft lips. I smiled and turned around, replacing the skin on my neck with my own lips. After a moment, I backed away and grabbed my bag.

Robby grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room and led me to his car so we could go to the mall.
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yeah, comments will definitely help me update faster. by the way, Alex doesn't come into the story until the... third chapter. i have an outline of what goes on in each chapter so i don't forget anything. ha ha, call me a dork.