A World I Can't Believe

Chapter 3

I was sitting in the family room with my parents while waiting for Robby to pick me up for the party. He dropped me off after we finished shopping so he could go to his house to change. I was a bit uncomfortable, considering I had my dress pulled down past my push-up bra to give the bottom of the dress more length. A white sweater covered my chest and it was buttoned all the way.

“I want you back home by midnight,” my dad said without looking away from the TV. I nodded and looked out the window when I heard a car door shut. Robby was walking calmly to the door, his hands shoved into his pockets. He looked adorable in his lavender and black pinstriped shirt and dark, faded jeans. I jumped up, said goodbye to my parents and met Robby at the door.

As soon as I was out of the house I began pulling my dress back up to its normal position. Robby smiled and placed his hand on my back, leading me to his car. “You look hot,” he smiled. I kissed him quickly with a grin and flopped into the seat. I took the sweater off and tossed it in the back seat. The fact that I’d come out of the house with more on than what I would be wearing to the party was no surprise to Robby. He knew I didn’t want my parents to see me dressed that way.

“It’s a good thing Tommy and his family have so many guest bedrooms,” Robby said with a soothing voice as he fell in beside me.

“Why?” I asked. “Are you planning to occupy one of them?”

He glanced at me and took my hand after starting the car and changing the gear. “With you looking like that? You bet I am.”


We walked into the house with our fingers intertwined. As always, we would get stares from some of the people. Robby and I honestly couldn’t help that people knew who we were, and to be honest we would have rather been less known. People were always watching our relationship and asking some of the most inappropriate questions. We tried our best to stay secluded with our tight knit group of friends.

“Ay, yo, Robby!” Brent Wilson, one of Robby’s best friends called from the other side of the room. Robby nodded his acknowledgment and pulled me towards them. “Ay bro,” Robby replied, shaking hands with his friends. I smiled at the boys and looked around for some of my friends. It was highly doubtful that any of them would come. None of them really knew Tommy that well.

“You’re looking mighty fine tonight, Mary Ashton,” Joey Cambridge, another friend, said. I smiled sweetly. Robby threw an arm around my shoulder. “Doesn’t she though?” he asked before kissing the side of my head. I giggled and fit two of my fingers in one of his back belt loops.

Matt Jennings came to the group, bottles of beer in his hands. He passed them around to everyone in the circle and offered one to Robby. Robby shook his head. “Nah, I don’t feel like drinking tonight.” Matt glanced at me, pointing the bottle in my direction, but I shook my head as well. Matt shrugged and placed it on the table behind him.

Robby, at some occasions, could be considered a heavy drinker. If he didn’t drink, it usually meant he had something on his mind. Very rarely would Robby just not want to drink. After seeing him decline the offer, I felt it was right to do the same. We always supported each other, and if he wanted to be sober that night, then I would be sober too.

We all talked about school and the guys’ relationships, and they kept downing more and more beers. It got to the point where they were pretty much out of their minds. I noticed that Robby would stare at me for some moments and when I looked back him, he would just smile and kiss me. I didn’t mind it, but I knew something was on his mind.

“What’s up?” I asked. He shrugged and looked at his friends, who weren’t even paying attention to us anymore. “I think they would be fine on their own for a while,” he smiled and grabbed my hand. He led me to the stairs and pushed past the couples who had gathered there, heading for the second floor to look for a vacant bedroom.

I felt the eyes on us. They knew where we were going, and they knew what we were going to do.

Robby knocked on door after door and waited for a response that would tell us that the room was taken. At some doors he didn’t even have to knock because we could clearly hear that they were occupied. He finally found one and pushed me into it.

Before he had the door shut all the way, his lips were moving in a rhythmic way against mine. I found myself pinned between the wall and his body, and I felt that if he pushed any harder I would fall through to the hallway. One of his hands was perched on the wall while the other was tugging at the bottom of my dress. I was trying my best to unbutton his shirt and it was slightly difficult as my hands were shaking wildly. The task was successful and I slid the shirt over his shoulders. He let go of the wall and my dress long enough to let the shirt fall off of his arms and once he didn’t feel it anymore, his hands went back to where they were.

I placed my hands on his buff abs and pushed our way to the bed that I just could see from the moonlight seeping through the window. He detached our lips for a moment, frustrated with the lack of distance my dress had made. He yanked at the bottom and my dress fell to the floor. I was still wearing the zebra print underwear, but I’d removed the straps on the bra so it went with the dress. Robby kissed my pelvic bone gently before crashing his lips into mine again. One hand went behind my neck while the other went to my lower back and he lowered me down on the bed. He kissed deeply before pulling away again and started to mess with his belt buckle.

I rose to my knees and pulled him into me, starting another kiss. He played with the top of my panties and I clumsily undid his belt, whipping it out of the loops. I undid his snap and zipper and slid my hands down his hips, removing the pants with ease. My fingertips grazed over his chest and he moaned slightly. Without any hesitation I pulled him down on top of me. We kissed hungrily, our tongues dancing together. He moved his kisses to my jawbone, then to my neck, my clavicle and then my shoulder. I gripped the back of his head as his lips traveled lower and lower down my body. I squirmed slightly as his tongue flicked out, connecting with my stomach. As he was about to remove my panties, his phone chirped from his pocket on the floor.

“Are you serious?” he asked. He looked at me with disappointment dripping from his brown eyes. I sighed and shrugged. He looked at the screen and said, “It’s Joey.” I lay back with my arms folded across my chest while he answered his phone. He spoke with Joey and shook his head. I could tell he was getting pissed. “Alright, I’ll be down in a second,” he growled and threw his phone on the pillows at the head of the bed.

I watched as he gathered his clothing and put them back on. He did it in a jerky manner and I knew he was angry. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” he sighed, bending down to kiss me. I nodded and sat up. He went to the door and walked out muttering, “Fucking assholes ruin everything.” The door shut and I stood to grab my dress. I slipped it back on over my head and walked out of the room. Some people had gathered in the hallway and I smiled to them as I walked by.

The party grew since Robby and I left and more people seemed to be there. I smiled sweetly at some of them and continued on my way. After searching for a few moments, I found Robby standing with Joey and Matt. He looked annoyed, but it was obvious to me that Joey and Matt had gotten into a drunken argument. I started to walk towards them until I collided with someone. The drink they were holding spilled out of the cup and splashed on my dress. I gasped and stared at the dark stain in disbelief. I mildly glared the boy and I noticed he looked familiar. He went to my school- Alex something.

“I’m so sorry,” he said. I watched him reach at for the nearby counter and bring back a napkin. He began dabbing it on my skin while I tried to wipe the remaining drink that hadn’t seeped into my dress off. “It’s okay,” I sighed.

He handed me the napkin and smiled. “I’m Alex Gaskarth. I think we have Spanish together,” he said. I pressed the napkin to the wet spots on my dress and smiled shortly back. “Mary Ashton Palmer,” I responded.

He nodded. “I’m really sorry about your dress.”

I shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”

I looked at him and noticed his mouth was open as if he were about to say something, but it shut instantly and I felt an arm slip around my waist. I looked up to see Robby, and he glared dangerously at Alex. I looked at Alex as well and he smiled with a small nod before walking away. Robby turned his look to me with a hurt look in his eyes. “What was that baby?”

I shook my head furiously. “I bumped into him and some of his drink spilled on me. It’s no biggie. He was just apologizing.” Robby looked towards the direction Alex disappeared in and cocked an eyebrow. “Well, he’s going to have more to apologize for when I’m done with him,” he said and began walking away. I gripped his arm to keep him from creating drama. “Don’t let that ruin your night babe. Let’s go back upstairs,” I said soothingly and the mention of what was about to happen made a smile appear on his lips.

Robby draped his arm around my shoulders as we went back upstairs to finish what we’d started.
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yeah, named this chapter 3 cause i couldn't come up with anything :| so as you can see alex is in this one, and i PROMISE it gets more interesting after this. but, i wont update it until the people who read it comment it. so, yeah. please comment? and LIBBY'S BACK!!! :D