Bella's Heart

Friday Night- - Part 1

All that week, Bella had been hanging out with Noah. He made her feel like she was special. She couldn’t wait to go to the party with him.
On Friday night, she was getting ready. She was wearing a short black dress and black stilettos.
When she opened the door Lizzy ran past the room. She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around slowly.
“What. Are. You. Wearing?!” She exclaimed.
Bella smiled, “You like it?” She asked, spinning around.
“Well. Uh. What’s Dad gonna say?” Lizzy blurted out.
Bella rolled her eyes, “Who cares? He can’t make me wear something else.”
Lizzy looked troubled, but nodded, “Yeah.” She said, quietly.
Bella walked down the stairs and stopped in a mirror that was hanging on the wall. She adjusted her new ear piercing. She got a piercing in the cartridge. It hurt like hell, but it looked damn good.
She smiled at herself, pouted her lips and fixed her hair.
“I’m hot.” Bella told herself, “Noah thinks you’re hot. You’re Hot. I’m hot.”
Bella continued down the stairs and was then stopped by Helena.
“ISABELLA!” Helena shrieked, “What on God’s green earth are you wearing?”
Bella rolled her eyes, “Jeez, Helena. It’s not a big deal!”
Helena pursed her lips and then opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted when the doorbell rang.
“I’ve got it.” Bella’s dad yelled and went to open the door.
Bella skipped to the door as her dad answered the door. Noah stood there wearing a leather jacket and holding a motorcycle helmet.
Bella watched Ben’s eyes widen, “Who. Are. You??” Ben exclaimed examining Noah from his feet to his head.
If Noah was uncomfortable, he didn’t show it. A broad grin spread on his face as he saw Bella standing behind Bella.
“Hey, Bella!” He called, raising his hand as a greeting, “Don’t you look sexy?”
Ben choked on who knows what, “What did you just call my daughter.”
Bella rolled her eyes and elbowed her dad, “Dad, this is Noah. My boyfriend.”
Ben’s eyes grew wider, if possible, “Your WHAT friend?”
Bella let out a girly giggle, “Boyfriend, silly! Noah’s taking me to a party!” She tried to go out the door, but Ben put his arm on the doorframe so she couldn’t get out.
“Uh, I think NOT Isabella.” He said.
Bella’s face flushed. This was ridiculous! She was practically an adult, but her father was treating her like a child! It was positively stupid!
“Dad!” Bella whined, “It’s not FAIR!”
“Yes, it is.” He snapped, he looked at Noah, “And you, young man, can go home.”
He slammed the door in Noah’s face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Um, apparently I have a subscriber. haha. I have ZERO comments. Pweeze comment? *puppy dog eyes*

You KNOW you want to!!
