Bella's Heart

Miss Carlson

Bella took a deep breath and pushed open the door to Miss Carlson’s office.
“Hi!” There was a woman who looked like she was in her mid thirties was sitting at the desk with a huge smile on her face. “I’m Miss Carlson! You must be Isabella! I have a sister named Isabella, but everyone just called her Is! Do you have a name you’d prefer to be called?”
Wow, Bella thought, Aren’t principals supposed to be old and mean? This woman doesn’t seem like she can shut up!
“Um, well, everyone calls me Bella.” Bella muttered.
Miss Carlson stood up and clasped her hands together.
“Oh, Bella! Isn’t that a beautiful name! It means ‘beautiful’ in Italian! Did you know that? Are you Italian?
“Um, no I didn’t know that. And yes, my mom was Italian.”
Miss Carlson’s face fell.
“Oh, did your mom died?”
“Um, yeah. Last week.”
“I’m so sorry. I lost my mom when I was in highschool, too. I know it’s hard. If you ever just want to talk, my office door is always open. Are you taking Italian this year?” She said.
“Oh, um. No. Spanish.
“Oh, okay. They’re both beautiful languages.”
“Mmhm.” Bella murmured, “I’m sure.”
Miss Carlson’s phone began to ring.
“Oh, excuse me Bella.” She said with a wink. “Oh, another new student? Okay, send him in.” She hung up the phone, “I’m sorry Bella. There’s another new student here I’d like to meet. So, Mrs. Miller had a student who is in biology, your first class, with you. Her name is Briann and she’s very nice.”
Miss Carlson stood up and led Bella to the door.
“Have a great first day, Bella. Come to me if you have any questions or problems, okay?”
“Yes Miss Carlson.” Bella said, secretly wishing that Miss Carlson would leave her alone.
“Hi, I’m Briann!” A tall girl with blonde curly hair cried, “You must be Isabella! I’m soo excited to meet you!”
But I was too busy staring at Darcy to notice her. Darcy was standing up now and talking and smiling with Miss. Carlson.
♠ ♠ ♠
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