Bella's Heart

Tammy & Noah

Bella walked into her classroom for American literature, glad to be rid of Briann. The teacher looked up at her.
“Hi, I’m Ms. McCarthy.” The teacher said, “You’ll be sitting in the second row, third seat to the left.”
“Thank you.” Bella said quietly, the irritation obvious in her voice.
Ms. McCarthy looked up, surprised that Bella was speaking with such disrespect. Bella walked to her desk and put her books on her desk. She sat down and opened her notebook. She began doodling immediately on the page.
“Hi, I’m Tammy.” Bella’s head popped up to see the blonde girl who was wearing too much makeup and looked like she had a nose job smiling at her. She was sitting at the desk to her right.
“Oh, um. I’m Bella.” Bella muttered,
“Oh, that’s such a pretty name! Much better than Tammy, anyway.”
Bella wanted to reassure her that Tammy was a fine name, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“So, are you going to join the cheerleading league?” Tammy said with a bright smile.
“Um, no. I don’t think so.”Bella said, hoping Tammy would still want to be friends.
“Oh.” She said her face falling. She quickly turned away from Bella.
Bella’s heart fell. Tammy had seemed nice, but it looked like she only spent time with cheerleaders. Bella started having second thoughts about saying no to the cheerleading squad when she felt a tap on her felt shoulder. She jumped and looked at who had tapped her. She saw it was a boy, who was almost as good looking as James.
He’s just as good looking as James. Bella tried to convince herself, but it didn’t work.
“Hi, I’m Noah.” The boy said, smiling at her. He had a set of dazzling white teeth.
How am I being dazzled by teeth? Bella thought worriedly.
“I’m Bella.” Bella said, smiling a crooked smile at him.
“It’s nice to meet you.” Noah said sticking his hand out to her.
Bella reached out and took his hand. His skin was so warm. Shaking his hand was like taking a warm bath after you had been bathing in ice for so long.
She yanked it back, as though she had been electrocuted. She noticed that Noah had done the same and was now staring at her, eyes wide.
“Do you want to hang out after school?” Noah blurted out.
Bella smiled, “I’d love to.”
“My place?” Noah asked, still staring at her.
“Sounds good.” Bella answered, smile still on her face.
Finally the bell rang announcing it was time for Bella to go to her next class.
“I’ll see you at lunch.” Bella smiled shyly.
“You’re going to sit with me, right?” Noah asked, looking excited.
“Oh, okay.” Bella said.
Together she and Noah walked out of the classroom. Briann was waiting outside the door for her.
“Best friend Bella! I can’t wait for you to sit with me at lunch!” Briann was talking on and on.
“Briann, Bella is going to be sitting with me today. Maybe never she’ll sit with you?” Noah said sarcastically, putting his arm around Bella’s shoulder. Bella felt like she wanted to sing.
Briann’s face fell and Bella felt a little bad for her.
“I’ll walk you to your next class, if you’d like.” Noah said, looking hopeful.
“Yeah, I’d like that.” Bella said, smiling softly.
And she and Noah walked to her next class.
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Oooh. Noahhhhh! I'll add a picture of him. I'm thinking of stealing Taylor Lautner.... We'll see. :)
