Maxim's Adventure Through Life and Death

“Your heart is my piñata.”

"Justin, don't do this," I begged, my hand gripped his. Goosebumps trailed my hair, making the hairs stand on end. We were in the parking lot of Black Peak's mini mart, where we had been meeting for the past four months. It was a chilly night and I didn't think to grab a jacket.

"I can't do this anymore. What if they catch us? In a place like this, we'll be kicked out of town. I can't risk this." Justin explain. He ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit he had. Usually it was used when his baseball coach or his parents were yelling at him. I never thought I'd see that gesture towards me. We both lived in a small town, where everyone knew everyone, and things weren't very exciting. Rumors spread like wildfire, and everyone knew someone's secret.

"They won't catch us, it's been five months and no one has said a thing to me. Justin, I need you."

"Four," he corrected, "You'll move on. I'm done. It's over. There's nothing you can say to change my mind." He said this with his eyes closed. He couldn't even fucking look at me. My eyes brimmed with tears and there was a lump in my throat.


"Stop!" he shouted. I flinched at the sharp tone of his voice. "Just stop. Please. Let me leave go." his voice was softer that time, his eyes still closed.

"Goodbye." I answered and moved to wrap my arms around him, one last time, but he moved away from my touch. I crossed my arms and turned away. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat. He was the only one who knew the burden of such a secret. He hid it much better then me. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, my first kiss, my first love.

I can still remember how we first meet, just the though of it made me smile. I had gym last period and he had baseball practice after school. He was the first in the locker room, always. I never knew why and I never got around asking. I was a slow dresser, well more like I didn't like dressing in front of the other guys. I was upset one day, I don't even remember why, and he came in as I punched a locker. It was a pretty stupid move considering the locker cut my fist up.

I remember his smile and how we use to joke around, how his cool hands carefully wrapped up my fist. We agreed to meet by the dumpster in the parking lot. It smelt horrible, but it was worth seeing Justin. He was the only one to understand me. His kiss was soft and made me melt into him. We knew everything about each other. Which is why this confuses me so much. How could he do this to me? Something must have happened.

I drove home in silence. Usually I would be blaring the radio, anything to prevent the silence, but tonight I welcomed the silence in open arms. It gave me time to think, to analyze everything that happened and what I could have done wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just the beginning it's a bit rough, but it will get better once I get into it.

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Chuck Palahniuk Quote as the title.