Maxim's Adventure Through Life and Death


Beep. Beep. Beep.

There was a repetitive noise close to me. My mouth felt dry, like cotton balls. My wrist hurt, something was attached to me and my head was aching. What was going on? Slowly I began opening my eyes. Everything was blurry at first, my mind was in a haze. I looked around me. White walls, white sheets, a gown. Wait gown?! I sat up straight, my head spun. Where the hell was I? The beeping continued and I looked to my left to investigate. A heart monitor? This isn't heaven. Or hell. I'm in a hospital. I laid back, with a sigh.

"I'm alive," I said to myself. My voice sounded more like a croak. A nurse came in to check on me. A large smile grew on her face when she saw I was awake.

"Good Morning Deary!" She glowed. She was too happy for me. "You're finally up! I'm so glad. I'll page your parents and they'll be here in a jiffy."

"No!" I said and startled her.

"I'm sorry, sunshine, but it's part of the rules."

"Do they know?" I asked her.

"About what, sweet pea?"

"Never mind." I sighed and looked at the TV. The news was saying something in a low murmur, and I didn't feel like concentrating on the dialogue. How long had I been here. After what only felt like seconds I heard my mom come in the room. She had a noisy impatient stride. She hurried to my side, patting my hair and hugging me. My father and brother said in the chairs watching. Waiting.

"I thought you were gone! I love you baby! I love you so much!"

"Mom," I croaked. She cocked her head to the side, waiting for me to finish. "Mom. I tried to kill myself." Her face looked hurt. I know she must of known, but I had to confirm it.

"Oh! baby! I know, I know dear. It okay, though, everything is okay." I looked behind her and saw my dad check his watch. He was probably missing some important business meeting.

"How long have I been here?" I asked her. "How'd I get here?"

"I found you on the floor. I called 911 and then they pumped your stomach. You've been here for a week. You hit your head when you fell and you had to get stitches and you went into coma for a couple of days. You're not going to be able to go home right away. They want to send you somewhere, but it will only be for a little bit." That explained why so much hurt.

"Mom, I'm gay."

"Shhh." She said and put her fingers to my lips. "Rest now. We have to go, but we'll be back.." The nurse came in and injected something in one of the cords that was connected to me. I began to feel drowsy and soon I closed my eyes.
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I'm on a roll, this is like the fourth one today.