Maxim's Adventure Through Life and Death

Run Away.

I listened to my mother's ramblings as I built up the courage to finally confront her about my sexuality. She hasn't said a word about it. My father was in the room too. Good, I wanted him to hear it. Her words blended together.

"And your grandmother called too. We haven't told anyone about you trying to.. well you know. Although you aunt did find out because of your brother and-"

"Mom," I interruped her.

"What?" she asked. A bit upset that I distrubed her conversation.

"I'm gay," I shouted before she had a chance to stop me.

"Anyways, your Aunt Jo sent you some flowers."


"What dear?"

"Why are we just pushing this to the side. I want to talk about it. I want you to acknowelge it!"

"What do you want me to say to you? Congradulations?" She asked in a soft tone, different from before, more, bitter.

"No, but I want you to care. I don't want this to be something that is just thrown under the rug." I glanced to the corner of the room, where my father was actually looking at me. For the first time in however long I've been here, I could feel his dark eyes burning a hole into me. They were silent.

"When did you..decide?" My mom asked.

"I've known for a couple of years." I answered, not taking my eyes off of my dad.

"How could you disgrace our family like this?" He asked. His tone was rough. The words stung me.

"Jim!" My mother yelled.

"What? He wants us to talk to him about it. I'm pissed. He shouldn't come home. I'm not allowing it."

"Jim. I told you we were going to talk about this later."

"No, we are going to talk about this now." he turned his attention to me. "This is embarassing. Your mother and I have supported you through everything. We did not raise you to go around making out with other boys. That is sick."

My mom pulled him out of the room by his ear, not giving me a chance to say anything, which I was thankful for because I couldn't think of anything to say anyways.

I couldn't help but to think about earlier. Justin hadn't left until the nurse caught us making out. I remembered his cheeks going red, as he pulled away from me. The lips I had missed so much, had been back were they belonged.

"Oh my!" Was all the nurse said. A smile was stretched across my face. And Justin ran out of the room.

I smiled to myself. It was the only thought to keep me happy. I looked to the wires connected to my wrist. I was sick of them. I was sick of being here in a white gown staring at a white ceiling. I angerily pulled the wires out and jumped out of the bed. I ran down the hallways barefooted, in only the white gown and only some jeans my mom had left me. I pushed through the heavy mentel doors and kept running.
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Haven't written in a while. sorry.

Hope this makes up for it.